Tuesday, April 25, 2006



Briefer.com says:
yo chucky
Broker A says:
Broker A says:
shitbag market
Briefer.com says:
Market is fickle
Briefer.com says:
my PBR is making me wait
Briefer.com says:
the commi's are in the mix
Broker A says:
you call that waiting?
Briefer.com says:
I'm very cashedup
Broker A says:
Briefer.com says:
Briefer.com says:
see the sopranos?
Broker A says:
Briefer.com says:
Those Wealth Alerts are making money honey!
Broker A says:
hey, I'll be right back
Briefer.com says:
you like the show?
Briefer.com says:
Commodites are over bought!
Briefer.com says:
GX/X - Goldman Sachs Comm Index
Broker A says:
Briefer.com says:
need more volo
Briefer.com says:
but it is regal
Broker A says:
Cramer buying NBR http://crameralerts.blogspot.com/
Briefer.com says:
earnings are due
Briefer.com says:
check VLO
Briefer.com says:
after numbers
Briefer.com says:
number are May 8!
Briefer.com says:
have to snitzel in and out
Briefer.com says:
He snitzels you in
Briefer.com says:
but not out
Briefer.com says:
The Wealth Alert Guys like
Briefer.com says:
INFY www.uswmc.com
Briefer.com says:
Those guys are money
Broker A says:
not bad
Broker A says:
I am getting Bravehearted on this NGAS today.
Briefer.com says:
INFY is part of cramers BRICK
Broker A says:
Briefer.com says:
Briefer.com says:
K 4 Kazastan
Briefer.com says:
Briefer.com says:
I'm doing a mo back on PBR
Briefer.com says:
f_ck the commys
Broker A says:
give me a few mins, trading
Broker A says:
Briefer.com says:
Briefer.com says:
LRCX, BDK, THQI OS waiting on breakouts
Broker A says:
12:40 IEA's Mandil says US halt to oil reserve a wise move, may help mkt a bit - Bloomberg
Briefer.com says:
Briefer.com says:
the % is not important
Briefer.com says:
just make bush look like he's trying
Briefer.com says:
bought INFY here per the Wealth Management Partner
Briefer.com says:
Wealth Alert
Briefer.com says:
those guys guide you in
Broker A says:
Want to know how much your house is wroth?
Briefer.com says:
and guide you out
Broker A says:
Broker A says:
Briefer.com says:
Broker A says:
Broker A says:
check that site, way cool
Briefer.com says:
Briefer.com says:
I like
Briefer.com says:
the site is wrong
Briefer.com says:
they missed a bathroom
Briefer.com says:
they are light approx. 50K
Broker A says:
i know, still cool
Briefer.com says:
it is nice to see the sales
Broker A says:
and the chart
Broker A says:
click on your house and it pulls up a value chart
Broker A says:
over the last week, it says my house lost 2k, fuckers
Briefer.com says:
Broker A says:
This house is going down
Briefer.com says:
short it
Broker A says:
sell sell sell
Briefer.com says:
yo i'm going to throw some food down my gulit
Broker A says:
Briefer.com says:
Broker A says:
Cramer is pitching VLO hard on his radio show.
Briefer.com says:
did I tell you he was eating like a pig at lunch
Briefer.com says:
Like 1 of the chinaman's pigs
Broker A says:
Briefer.com says:
on Deadwood
Briefer.com says:
his snout was in his plate
Briefer.com says:
that guy is crazy
Broker A says:
HYDL getting raped -7
Briefer.com says:
That website say's my house is up 46%
Broker A says:
You can also adjust it for improvements

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