Saturday, July 21, 2007
Good Morning "Fucktards".
Considering I got a bunch of lip from you amigos about my plethora of stock picks, I have decided to give you gentlemen just one pick. That's right, just one fucking stock pick for the whole weekend. I don't even think I will be simple about my presentation of it either. You see, I'm not sure if many of you understood the importance of simplicity when I explained what this site has to offer. So, let's change it up a bit. It may be complicated, it may be in depth. This thing may even be about as exciting as some bureaucratic Congressional report that took twenty acres of national forest to print it on. We will see. In the mean time, sit back and relax to your midday melodies.
One pick fuckers.
Not to forget your lovely bonus clip.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Bob Segar: Night Moves
Closing Comments
Unfortunately, the U.S. dollar is in the tank and our beloved financials have "shit the shower."
Without a doubt, if the dollar keeps going down, I will cancel my fucking trip to Belgrade.
As you know, "The Fly" was unscathed by today's knife to the chest tape.
I had nice gains in AAPL, FMCN, SNDK, CLX and NVS.
However, it's worth noting, I was blown the fuck up on everything else.
Look you, this is the summer doldrums. For the most part, expect the market to be range bound, before it goes banana's-- starting October.
With my money, I might load the fuck up on NTRI. I'll let you know, Monday.
And, I will continue to buy the dips in HANS, LZ, MCHX and BWLD.
Finally, in my opinion, it makes sense to start nibbling (like a rat on cheese) at some of the financials. By any metric, they are cheap. My list includes: GS, BSC, LEH, MS, LAZ and maybe BBX (trading under book) for a long shot.
Late Day Thought
Here We GO
I've completed every market moving ritual, from coffee to oatmeal to time machines to throwing spare pavers at my trader/servant.
In short, I want to buy LZ, NTRI, MVIS, HANS and MCHX on this dip.
FMCN has momentum, and should be bought too.
Off to meet with my voodoo Doctor.
UPDATE: As pointed out by one of you (internet homeless men), my time machine was set for Monday. Sorry for the confusion.
My Time Machine
Shh. Don't tell anyone, or else I'll travel back to the past and punch your eyebrows off.
Quick Alert: Going to Eat Oatmeal
That's right.
The market is down 145 and "The Fly" is about to eat a giant wooden bowl of oats, heavily sweetened, with a dash of milk.
"All of you are criminals"
Sector Spotlight: Financials
Do you know what I smell?
A rally, you corn can fuckers.
The bears are pinning their hopes and dreams of swift armageddon on the financials-- and CAT. Well, I'll have you know, there are signs of life, particularly in COF, C, LEND and OPY.
Watch GS, LEH, MS, MER and BSC very closely. Should those fuckers reverse, the market will annihilate the bears.
With my money, I haven't decided whether to back up my far fetched predictions with real money or just "opine." As you know, it is easy to talk shit--hard to eat it.
Nonetheless, you know the stocks I like. If anything, I'll buy more NTRI or LZ.
Anyway, long story short, "The Fly" is predicting an upside reversal today.
NOTE: I did not use my time machine to make today's market call.
UPDATE: Maybe it's all this caffeine I have ingested, but I feel this 130 point hole the DOW is in will be erased, by the end of the day.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Love this guy. But, he is the exact opposite of me, obviously.
NOTE: Incorrectly spelling the word "lose" as "loose" is a great way to display ignorance and sheer stupidity. You know who you are, fucker.
"The Fly" doesn't get lucky on short squeezes. He makes them.
UPDATE: Due to a sudden flash of creativity, I changed the title to read "hamburger," instead of "fuck."
Hole: Violet
Closing Comments
Since "The Fly" needs to drive one of his little ones to tennis lessons, I'll make this short.
The market is going higher. There, I said it. The cat is out of the bag.
With my money, I will buy more FMCN, NTRI, MVIS, LZ, MCHX and maybe TEF.
I've got the research flooding in and the "calculator brain" is working at a very high capacity.
NOTE: I just filled up my fucking time machine with some fresh plutonium.
Fly Buy: NTRI
Disclaimer: If you buy NTRI because of this post, you will become a fat fucker. And, you may lose money.
Fly Sell: SNDK
Fly Sell: VMI
Position Update: FMCN
Now, when it comes to China, who really knows what the fuck is going on?
I am using analyst assurances, via Citi and Piper, that this dip represents a buying opportunity.
Apparently, the company's auditor wants to make sure the 2005 numbers are accurate, prior to releasing the report. There have been allegations made-- pertaining to the accuracy of their reports.
The company is awaiting a consent letter. As they wait, it appears these Chinese investors are running for the Great Wall.
With that being said, this may be a bit of a dice roll, but I just bought 5,000 shares @ $42.87.
Afternoon Thought
NOTE: Take a look at the tankers. It's an inferno of fun.
Fly Buy: MCHX
Disclaimer: If you buy MCHX because of this post, the FBI will storm your house for music piracy. And, you may lose money.
"I'm Gonna Kill the Bear"
Sector Spotlight: Networkers
Talk about beating the street consensus: Look at AVCI.
As for me, RS had mixed results. The stock should be bought on dips. Excellent takeover target. And, as you know, VMI knocked the fucking wheel's off the sellers wagon. I'm sure VMI will print $90-$100, sometime this year.
Don't forget, IGNMF (Imagination Technology) is on European fire, rumored to be the graphics chip maker for the iphone. And, I have a new foreign play, Sunplus (no viable U.S. ticker symbol). They are rumored to supply the sensor's for the Nintendo's Wii.
There is a new issue coming out that "The Fly" approves of: NZ. Keep an eye out for it.
As for the networkers:
FFIV caught a $100 price target; and JNPR's good numbers has resulted in a Goldman upgrade. In short, the sector is on fucking fire.
Finally, my bullishness for MVIS has been refreshed. For what it's worth, "The Fly" has been reassured, by his single best source, that MVIS will land the ever allusive OEM deal, by summers end. Furthermore, he ("The Fly") has been assured that everything is running on schedule-- and there will be no delays.
So, in my head, the OEM deal is a forgone conclusion. Hence, everyday until then (when the deal is announced) is a fucking gift. Act like it.
Link Whore
As you know, "The Fly" is too busy to fuck around and look for financial websites.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Naturally, this makes sense
Back to drinking.
50 Cent: In My Hood
No CC's today. Tennis time.
See you fuckers tomorrow.
VMI Valmont beats by $0.22; beats on revs; gives outlook (75.07 +0.40) | |
Reports Q2 (Jun) earnings of $1.03 per share, $0.22 better than the Reuters Estimates consensus of $0.81; revenues rose 18.7% year/year to $402.3 mln vs the $366.3 mln consensus. Co gives outlook saying, "Our outlook for the second half of the year is for improved operating performance and favorable comparisons with last year. We will likely achieve our near-term goal of improving operating income as a percent of sales to 10% this year. YOY percentage improvements for the last two quarters of the year however, will likely not be as strong as those in the first half of 2007. The current market trends for our businesses are strong. Our performance reflects favorable market conditions as well as our initiatives to realize full value for the products we sell, reduce costs and improve employee engagement. A combination of a continued emphasis on these programs, favorable competitive pricing environments and good market conditions could provide a climate for additional improvement in results." |
Bear Kill
Multiple Fly Buys: MVIS, LZ, RS, EPD, NTRI, HANS, ALJ and FTK
Disclaimer: If you buy any of the above stocks because of this post, the next time you are on a "hot date," your lips will swell up, resembling a catchers mitt. And, you may lose money.
Sector Spotlight: Gold
Go figure.
However, being that I have more important things to do, then fuck around with multi level marketing retards, "The Fly" has decided to walk away from this battle, unscathed of course.
As for the general market:
This sub prime shit just won't go away. Without a doubt, the sub prime scare will result in plenty of panic selling and bountiful opportunities. At some point in the near future, I will buy some BSC or LAZ.
Today, almost everything, with the exception of gold, oil and utilities, is being poleaxed. Bernanke stood his ground and made our elected empty suits look like fucktards.
As you know, "The Fly" is not a gold bug. Frankly, I feel gold bugs are "corn can fuckers," who often wait for gloom and doom.
Anyway, it's worth noting, select gold/silver stocks have momentum, notably SA, ABX, KGC, NEM, PAAS and HL.
Also, select energy stocks look good, such as XTO, XEC, HOS, IOC, MRO, OXY, GLBL, OII, PXP, EOG, CAM and DVN.
With my money, I intend to buy more VMI, LZ, MVIS, RS, HANS, EQIX, NTRI and CLX.
Finally, it's worth mentioning, AZZ is on fucking fire. And, I will use this dip to add to positions.
Position Update: MVIS
"The Fly" is busy watching the "bearded one" go gangster on these fucktarded politicians. For a second, I thought Bernanke was going to get up and pistol whip Ron Paul. Or say some crazy shit like: "Shut the fuck up bitch, or I'm gonna raise rates on yo ass."
In the meantime, here is Canaccord's research report on MVIS.
You're welcome.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Biggie Smalls: Who Shot Ya?
Closing Comments
Today, "The Fly" edged higher, despite the fuckers at USNA trying to destroy me. For the record, I no longer suggest owning the stock.
All day, the semi's were running with their shoes off. There were huge gains found in LRCX, NVLS, RMTR, SIGM, AMAT, FORM, KLAC, ASML, VECO, UCTT, MTSN, VSEA, SIRF and ANAD. Yet, the asshats at MVIS managed to close down a penny.
Do not get me started.
With my money, until proven wrong, I will continue to add to my OEH, LZ, NEU, VMI and MCHX positions.
However, it's worth noting, MCHX is acting like a fucking "mustached dicktard." Keep in mind, MCHX is tightly levered to YHOO. So, should YHOO post good numbers, MCHX will annihilate the shorts. Currently, more than 30% of MCHX is sold short.
Also, I am hearing the NTRI's quarter is going "gangbusters." My only hope is for the stock to trade lower, into the mid 60's, so that I can load the fuck up.
Finally, if a shotgun were put to my head, in order to extract one stock pick, I'd say: "shoot me Sir if you must; but before you do, go long LZ."
NOTE: Looking forward to VMI's numbers.
Fly Sell: SYMC
Quick Alert: Fly's Time Machine Fixed
From a compliance standpoint, I'm sure the regulators would take issue with such "futuristic jargon." Then again, they don't have time machines; so fuck 'em.
As you can see, "The Fly" is banking some serious coin today, long SNDK, OEH, LZ, MRVL, BBND, RIMM and CORS.
Furthermore, I anticipate to have big dicked gains in VMI, near term.
NOTE: Hearing good things on IIG, again.
Fly Sell: GMXR
Fly Buy: VMI
Disclaimer: If you buy VMI because of this post, the next time you have an important meeting, you will spill BBQ sauce all over your shirt. And, you may lose money.
Fly Sell: OEH
Fly Buy: LZ
UPDATE: I bought 5,000 LZ @ $67.89.
Disclaimer: If you buy LZ because of this post, the next time you grill, a grease fire will ensue. And, you may lose money.
Sector Spotlight: Semiconductors
For those of you who are concerned, no worries, "The Fly" has preserved a profit in USNA, being long from $44. However, it's worth noting, I hate USNA now and will never mention that stock again. Further, if any of you little fuckers mention "baked balls" or "how's that short squeeze fucker," I will track you down and punch your mustache--clean off your face.
Position closed out, end of story.
As for the semiconductors:
NVLS is boosting the sector, up 10%. Within the sector, I like LRCX, FORM, VSEA, HITT, SNDK and MRVL. Also, it's worth noting, there is strength in chemical stocks, thanks to the LYO buyout. Within the sector, I like NEU, IOSP, LZ, DOW, DD, and RHA.
With my money, I added to my fucking OEH and MCHX positions.
Finally, I suspect commodity based stocks will firm up today. There, I like RS, KALU and SU for a trade.
NOTE: Minkow is a crafty little criminal. However, it's worth noting, I'd still like to see him go back to jail-- at some point in the near future.
NOTE II: Please take the new "Fly Survey." Are you bullish or bearish on the markets?
Crude Broker Wins/ Baked Balls
Well, if you have fucking eyeballs in that stupid head of yours, you can see Crude Broker won the election.
Frankly, I feel you (the internet leech) have become soft and would vote in Ducati, if given the chance. I can't remember the last time you assholes fired someone. This, as you know, is unmanly like crox shoes or pink homo ties.
In other news, I look forward to "baking Minkow's balls" tomorrow, via short squeezing USNA.
Good night, fuckers.
Should I Shitcan Crude Broker? [112 votes total] | |
Yes (44) | |
No (68) |
Monday, July 16, 2007
Red Hot Chili Peppers: The Zephyr Song (Live)
19:27 EDT USNA Usana-USNA pre-announces Q2 EPS of 66c vs consensus of 63c
Pre-announces Q2 revenue of $109.4M versus consensus of $104.2M.
Closing Comments
All day, "The Fly" got "housed," in a variety of dickless stocks, such as MVIS, MCHX, FMCN, BWLD, VMI, UPL and CORS.
However, it's worth noting, I did manage to punch a few of Minkow's teeth loose, via USNA.
All in all, it was a wretched day.
Now, I realize one day doesn't make a trend. And, I shouldn't worry about near term price fluctuations, if the underlying companies are bankable.
It's in my nature to make mountains out of mole hills.
So, with my money, I plan to do nothing. Instead, I will figure this "asshattery" out and resume throwing bagels with cream cheese at my trader/servant.
Finally, if the mood arises, I may buy FTK on this dip.
NOTE: Oil is for asshats.
NOTE II: I threw away two bowls of oatmeal today. Both were made with inferior oats and had too much cinnamon. True story.
Late Day Thought
Quick Alert: Weak Underpinnings
Thus far, there are too many leadership stocks in the red, in order to support a significant rally. Additionally, after big rallies, cowards like "going to cash." It makes them feel like they are doing something smart.
You know, they believe by going to cash, they will be able to avert a disastrous market decline. Because, as you know, these market guru's have crystal balls on their bullshit desk (delivered from Staples).
In short, go to the fucking beach and quit bothering "The Fly" with gay questions.
Fly Sell: VLO
Mr. Dow Jones on a Rampage
This guy will cut your legs off.
Fly Buy: VMI
Disclaimer: If you buy VMI because of this post, your general contractor will attempt to rip you off. And, you may lose money.
Fly Buy: MCHX
UPDATE: I bought 2,000 @ $15.02.
Disclaimer: If you buy MCHX because of this post, you will develop a southern accent. And, you may lose money.
Sector Spotlight: Food and Beverage
So far, there is notable strength in the trannies and food and beverage stocks.
IHP is being bid up hard, due to its proposed APPB buyout. My "calculator brain" has informed me that IHP shouldn't be up this much. Moreover, their restaurants cater to flap jack eating asshats.
Aside from IHP, PFCB, GMK, NATH and PFACP look good.
As for the trannies:
GBX, DRYS and CHRW have mojo.
In short, "The Fly" is busy with other important tasks, than to fuck around with letters and numbers (stocks) today. However, I'll have you know, oatmeal will be served soon.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
No Stock Picks= You're Fucking Fired: Update: Elections
Unbeknownst to "The Fly," Crude Broker posted his stock picks, just prior to this fucktarded post. If "The Fly" was familiar with the emotion called compassion, he'd apologize. However, since that is not the case, I give you "elections."
In my opinion, Crude's last post is worth perusing and should get him votes. With oil above $70 per barrel, and the prospect of devastating hurricanes knocking supply offline, it makes sense leaving a weekend blogger, who is well versed in oil stocks, on board. You know, just to hash things out for me.
However, as you know, this blog was not created to make "sense." If it was, I wouldn't waste my fucking time, talking to imbeciles, in the first place.
End of Special Update
Although I had fun, sifting through Crude Broker's numerous grammatical, spelling and syntax errors, he failed to honor the first rule of Fly's house.
When you come here, bring your fucking A game. Which means: prior to posting long, tedious, meaningless, posts, you better make sure it can make me money. Thus far, I have lots of red ink on my monitor, yet no stock pick.
Now, I know it's hard to compete with a man who is known for entertaining space aliens with magic tricks, but take a swing fucker. Even the worst hitter can knock one out, every once in a while.
So, if "Crude Fucker" fails to give me a God damned stock pick, within the next hour (12am eastern, aka the only time zone that counts), he will join Ducati in the shitcan of the internets.
Time is ticking.
UPDATE: My "calculator brain" just informed me that "time doesn't tick." Actually, old, stupid clocks tick.
So, the old, stupid clock is ticking.
NOTE: In the event Crude gives a stock pick, "elections" will begin, shortly thereafter.
NOTE II: Elections have begun. Should I shitcan Crude Broker?
So we continue.
We need to take a look back at a few pieces of news to see what I'm talking about here.
In April, GEL threw down a little cash to purchase some assets from a very rich redneck. From what I understand his yacht is similar to Paul Allen's. I don't know, you decide.
In June, GE acquired a stake in RGNC. Notice the price action of RGNC and GE on the date of the announcement.
Also in June, there was a flurry of news regarding some acquisitions with the Atlas Companies. AHD, ATN, APL, and ATLS.
Just a few days ago, EROC had an acquisition, so did RVEP.
This will continue.
As I mentioned before, the midstreams look poised for more and more consolidation. Also, note the price appreciation on the acquiring company, and the company being acquired. Take a minute to look through some stocks that I feel are safe bets but may have slower price appreciation. ETP, HLND, EPD, MMP, MWE, OKS, PAA, WPZ, ETE, SXL, NRGP, EEQ, KMR, and WMB. My favorites being EPD, MWE, and PAA.
Now here are a few that I believe have the best potential to put good money into your pocket. BWP, CPNO, GEL, BGH, HPGP, MGG and AHD. My favorites being BWP and GEL.
BWP has a ways to go.
RVEP is new one on me, the price action looks scary but intriguing. I don't know much about them.
Also, I have always liked EPD. It may not be best of breed on price appreciation compared to these other stocks. I just recommended it, and still do because the information I have on it is very bullish. Also, just a little side note, WMB is a great comeback story that I have yet to hear an idiot on CNBC blabber about. Maybe it’s because they are on mute, I'm not sure. WMB stuck with, and focused on their core business and got back into the game. They have been around for 100 years and have a great infrastructure.
Hope you guys can jump into some of these plays and start "banking coin" like The Fly. Do not overlook the dividends on these stocks either. They are an added bonus from me, to you. Merry Christmas.
Enjoy your late night melodies.
Bonus clip.
Thanks for letting me fuck with your fucking site, fucker.
UPDATE II: I found a video of The Fly bossing his employees around at the office.
The Midstreamers
Midstream is is where large amounts of money has been flowing into over the past few years. They are the arteries of America.
Being a company in the storage and transportation business is the best of both worlds. They are becoming filthy rich off of the continuing energy demand, and they are doing it rather discreetly. The talking heads rarely notice these guys, and the detrimental political powers don't even know they exist. "Hey, I'm just the little guy storing and transporting the shit. Go after XOM or BP and leave me alone."
Going back a few years ...
Who in the hell is that guy on the left?
Still don't know? The answer is, a guy smarter than you. I'm not sure who the guy on the right is but I'm sure he's smart too. If Paul Allen told you "you need to buy this stock" you'd probably listen. He is the ultimate uber-nerd. You don't believe me? He named his investment group after Professor Spock's home planet. Do not underestimate him, his team has won the Super Bowl, yours hasn't. His investment into PAA should not be overlooked. He has had over a 100% return on it in just three years. Not bad considering it operates on a very stable business model. I wonder if his investment group owns any AAPL? Just a thought.
Many of you have been asking where is energy going. I say up. And I'm not just basing this on Mr. "Big White Teeth" Bolling's recos. Strengths and weaknesses in energy demand run in cyclical channels. However, the population of this global economy will continue to increase. Mainly increasing rapidly in booming parts of the world. Think China and India.
After lunch I'll throw out some overlooked names and maybe we can find some 10-baggers.
Tip of the Day: Do not fuck with the Jesus