Saturday, July 21, 2007


Good Morning "Fucktards".

That's right, good morning. I just woke up, I cannot elaborate on why. If you guys paid attention and were not so fucking drunk last weekend off of your five Coronas, I pretty much laid it on you that BWP was the stock to own out of my 75 companies that you had to comb through. Nice to see how these midstream fuckers are damn near bulletproof while many of you are scared that a big brown bear is going to come into your living room and shit on your coffee table.


Considering I got a bunch of lip from you amigos about my plethora of stock picks, I have decided to give you gentlemen just one pick. That's right, just one fucking stock pick for the whole weekend. I don't even think I will be simple about my presentation of it either. You see, I'm not sure if many of you understood the importance of simplicity when I explained what this site has to offer. So, let's change it up a bit. It may be complicated, it may be in depth. This thing may even be about as exciting as some bureaucratic Congressional report that took twenty acres of national forest to print it on. We will see. In the mean time, sit back and relax to your midday melodies.

One pick fuckers.

Not to forget your lovely bonus clip.

Does everyone have to make an elaborate intro talking about their prowess? Plus, does this look familiar?

ME - talking about AAPL weeks ago:

"...And they were the cool one when they were a computer company, so soft baby jesus help us if they seriously take on the media/entertainment realm.

Compelling, read on."

"...many of you are scared that a big brown bear is going to come into your living room and shit on your coffee table.


Stylistically, that is too similar. I am suing for copyright infringement, papers are in the mail.
but I am still excited to hear the pick because I hate picking up bear shits. Just don't asnwer the door for the next few weeks.

If you are only going to give us one stock pick, then could you also take time to explain again how a stock can be sold without a buyer? I know there are still some "transaction-challenged" people on this blog, and it would also be a good review for those who still are not clear on how stocks are bought and sold.

The Red Sox are on. Gotta go.
What in the hell are you talking about Danny? Please don't threaten me, I can't afford a lawyer.
It wasn't a threat, it as a promise
hell, I may even request an injunction on the internet, no browsing for anyone.
fly's blogroll
MONSTER dick gains in NCST, is this shit gonna go up higher?

tech analysis is mostly good on it.
Your pick better rock or you don't have a Sadamm Hussein chance at staying in power.

The FDA news was the catalyst for NCST but their is very little short position that probably covered on Friday so you won't see a huge jump unless big money takes an interest in her for some reason. The fundamentals do not warrant a position unless someone has an inside source.
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You know it's a problem when weekends last forever because the markets are closed.
Your pick better rock or you don't have a Sadamm Hussein chance at staying in power.

Provided that I find *sufficient cause for the exercise of my unique authority, Crude Broker will enjoy an unprecedented number of votes-- courtesy of my recently upgraded Internet Voting Fraud Laser Beam (now casting three times as many fraudulent votes per minute!).

*Sufficient cause = $25 USD + $8 S/H.
SWC plunged 9% on Friday. This is an excellent entry for people who wants to ride the palladium bull. You need to know this metal and the Russian Enigma that makes it super bullish! Just as copper brought 20 folds return in PCU in 4 years, palladium bull will give SWC a 20 folds return in 4 years. Click on my name and visit my blog, or directly go to
Manny, how can you make a technical analysis on a stock that has gained 162% in one day? You have to be kidding right? Oh, I get it, the MACD is bullish like DNDN was. You're a flipshit. Shed, tell this guy he is off his fucking rocker...

KC, Who is Sadamm Hussein? There is a Saddam Hussein but he's fucking dead. Has been. News flash fucker.

jj426, Palladium is for pussies like yourself.
Dude. I love alternative energy too but shut the fuck up before the ghost of Smedley Butler bitch slaps you.

BTW... I'm eating a giant bowl of oatmeal right now. You should consider doing the same. Fucknut.
Alternative energy? gay

Hello. Yes Sadamm is dead, hence the correlation of him staying in power. That thing in your head is called a brain. Learn to use it more.
Kc, I still don't think you followed the point of my response. You spelled his name wrong. I'll use my brain if learn how to spell. You are... Quick!
Crude broker:

Even if you obviously know nothing about palladium, you probably made a good point (sarcacism:-). Palladium is in the as*hole of your car so that it does not fart! If you are not careful you get your car as* f**ked by a car thief. Lots of mufflers from vehicles are cut off and stolen by car thieves because they know they can make money in the precious metal boom. Now go spend some time do your DD.
I don't live in the shithole of the city as you do so I'm not worried about getting my shit stolen. Your story about mufflers was in the WSJ a while back, sounds like you're late to the punch.
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