Thursday, August 17, 2006


Bear Raid

I said earlier, whenever the market seems "fun" to me it sells off. Well, I am not willing to red flag the market yet, but it appears the sellers are getting a little sporty-- knocking the Dow down 40 points in 20 minutes.

I still believe, whether the market sells off today or not, there is still room for upside.

Also, I am scouring the market for deeply depressed stocks and will be posting on these small cap dogs, sometime in the near future.

UPDATE: The bear left the building. We are likely to stay green into the close.

I avoid earnings at all costs. I would be uncomfortable with MRVL into earnings.

Perhaps, short BRCM-- long MRVL to keep a hedge on a downside surprise.
MRVL delivered a stinker. This may throw a wet towel on the semis.
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