Friday, August 11, 2006


Position Update: ATHR

If any of you were lucky enough to short ATHR with me yesterday, I wouldn't hold it against you if you covered here @ $16.28, down 7.7% on the day.

With my money, I will continue to hold until it gets in the $15-15.75 range.

NOTE: The Trannies (not transvestites, transports) are getting axed today, down 1.7%. Other notable downside movers: Copper prices -5.5%, SOX -2.4%, Steal sector -3.4% and the Homebuilders -1.65%.

Update: Gold has reversed course here midday and went from black to red. In short, try not buying anything today. Keep light shorts, ample cash and hardly any longs-- with the exception of great energy stocks like CEO.


I can't agree with your kitty CAT buying. I feel september-october will be very painful for the market and would rather be short, than long.

However, the energy complex is worth a trade.

My fav right now is CEO. And, I would trade SFY on a nat gas spike.

Other than that, I feel somewhat relieved not having to read jimmy's irrational investment advice.


Never hurts to take a profit.

I can see you are a bit more optimistic than me, regarding inflation.

Frankly, I can't get bullish on the inflation outlook until the energy complex has been broken and the CPI looks benign.

We have neither.

So, I wish you luck on your CAT trade-- it is a great company. However, I can't see a substantial turn in the markets, until late october.

At the very least, it makes sense to stay long CAT and short FWLT or IR, in order to hedge yourself.
TOPT has a god awful chart.

OMM looks good, as does NAT, VLCCF, OSG and GMR.

Off topic:

BMHC is going thru.the.roof. Don't know why.

Also, ISSX has strong relative strength. Perhaps takeover chatter.
Gotta love queens. Mets, spanish food and the women--minus Con Ed.

See ya Monday.
I took the counter trade on ATHR this afternoon. Looks to me to be ready to bounce - it ain't that bad either technically or fundamentally.

I wish you luck. However, I believe I will win this one;)

See ya Monday.
Well it won't be my first loss or your first win - just letting you know that a picker sees some value - course I make my living buying gap downs - although days like today make me wonder why.

You too on Monday.

Either way, I hope you didn't throw down on ATHR.

Meaning: I hope you can handle another point lower-- if it happens.

The stock Gods tell me they want it lower:)

Again, if I am wrong on it-- I run thru Manhattan naked.

You'll see me on your evening news.
For the sake of those watching the news, I hope it goes lower.

Great to have you posting back here again. Too bad they shut down CramerAlerts, but at least your alerts are more active.

Oh yeah, please please please get Broker B back! I need more of this:

Broker A says:
Cramer capitulatedtoday says:
into cash
Broker A says:
Says the market is "telling us something"
Broker A says:
no shit says:
Broker A says:
Its telling us , you suck

.... bwa ha ha!!
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