Friday, September 15, 2006


Fly Buy: VLO

I bought 10,000 VLO @ $50.25.

I hope nobody calls the cramer police,I hate when he yells! but I'm with you on VOl I think they can do best going foward,in this sloewing oil economy and margin enviroment!

Ok Earl.

I can feel the bounce in oil coming.

Thanks Cramer.
Hey broker, any comments on ATI? thx
broker...someone just said Cramer is puming vLO on the radio today! at the VLO yahho baords I don't belive it ? earl.

The latest cramer blunder,he said buy buy buy Ford as in ( F )

The other day and he said that 9 was the bottom,its down 12% today to 7.98...
I am not a fan of ATI.

I bought some ERS, a few weeks back, and so far, I have had my two arms, one leg and one ear chopped off.


Cramer was ripping VLO on his blog. If he touted it on his show, well then, he is a Mad Man.
Ford: A Car only Cramer could love.
Ford means -fix and repair daily !

I think cramer is saying that since refiners are shuting for maintance gas and vol may bounce,and thet thir were huge imports and that is slowing-

do you have cess to realmoney if so their are some reads on VOL today,can you cheery pick and recap their thesis? thanks earl.
I checked. He did say VLO can bounce-- due to possible repairs.

However, in the very same breath, he says the OIH is going much lower.

Either way, he's a winner.
bought some PGWC at the buck, barron's can't strike twice can they?

Just wanted to say have a nice weekend,and I read you monday(I just found your blog from another blog)...lets hope fpr a pipeline blowing skyhigh and landing in the NYMEX pits,right on the traders heads! Well I off to my run,I'm a 18 year NYC Train Operater..Earl- (for real)
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