Friday, September 15, 2006


Late Day Thought

Fuck you Cramer and your OIH to $90 call.

Easy Pal - Cramer's an idiot - don't bust one because of him.

Have a great weekend - really enjoy you blog and the comments.
I really enjoy your nlog,but I have to tell you smoething,all the reasons for vlo and the complex to fall will not change,ad right now their resting before the real falling,the only reason it didn't fall today was because of Tropical Storm HELENE,and be wed it should be way east of PR heading far from the gulf...its a no go...but It held up for a weekend look see...
If oil collapses it will be due to weak economy.

My shorts will hedge me.
Broker - can you please enlighten us on how your hedging your portfolio - beyond MZZ?

Thank you,
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