Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Sector Spotlight: Semiconductors

Despite deflationary PPI numbers, the market appears to be heading lower. Naturally, the bulls, led by Cramer and his ridiculous top heavy recommendations of ATHR, NVL and BRCM last night, will try to make a stand in the SOX. However, I don't believe they (bulls) can keep this song and dance going for too much longer.

I am seeing small break downs in key tech names, such as: AKAM (-3.5%), MU (-2.65%), NSM (-2.3%), SIRF (-2.3%) and TRID (-2.9%).

In short, I feel oil will be heading higher, while tech corrects.

NOTE: Without Cramer pumping BRCM and ATHR, they would probably be down today.

The following semi's are showing some mojo:

VTSS +6.7%
AIXG +5%
HITT +3%
INTT +2.3%
ATHR +1.8%
TUNE +1.5%
BRCM +1%

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