Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Blink 182: Feelin This

via the big picture: "Also worth noting: Now we'll find out if some of the more experienced than I market watchers (Jeff Saut, Bill King, John Succo, J) have been right about who/what's been driving the stock market futures for political purposes. Indeed, its now in their interest to let markets slide as a rebuke to the Dems. Negative futures and market dips have been bought in the past; I suspect that pattern may not continue."
Broker - I see that MVIS is down over 5% this AM - apparently in sympathy w/LMRA - down more than 15% this AM.....

What's your thinking w/regard to MVIS now - buy/sell/hold?

I feel MVIS is a buy.

However, due to its recent run, coupled with the fact the NEED financing-- sell if you want to lock in this gain.

Understand, the company, at any moment, may announce a shelf offering-- below market prices.

If so, you may see it trade down for a day or two.
Thanks Broker,

Will hold here for now.

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