Friday, November 03, 2006


Fly Sell: SIRF

I sold short 5,000 shares of SIRF @ $27.31.

UPDATE: I sold short 2,500 shares @ $27.13.

UPDATE: I sold short 2,500 shares @ $27.36.

Disclaimer: If you sell short SIRF because of this post, you might as well (preemptively) sign up for public assistance now, since you will lose it all.

Hi Broker - do you have any thoughts on WIRE here? Thanks.
sell it and buy hwcc. brighter future.
on SIRF, I'm carefully rereading the Disclaimer, checking for fine print ;)

Last time I shadowed your short trading, on ATHR, I wound up closing with a small loss and you wound up with a small gain. The difference was a matter of patience, I believe. Same thing with SIRF? It's moving the wrong way, but the speculation of record is that it's balls of steel will corrode in the face of a weakening market and GRMN ugliness? Or do you just hate 'em?

still learning after all these years...
Well, I feel strongly the stock is too richly valued. However, there is immense strength in the stock now and I know I am early.

My bet is for a quick sell off early next week.

I was not impressed by their qt and feel the PE is too high.
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