Tuesday, November 07, 2006


News Service Recommendation

I subscribe to a lot of different financial services, magazines, newsletters and websites. In my opinion, the best service out there is TheFlyontheWall.com audio (not affiliated with this blog).

From a pure news standpoint, Briefing.com is the best. However, from a convenience point of you, TheFly radio will enable you to shut off the fuckers on CNBC, forever.

no. I'll give it a try.

Fly, thanks. Could you brief us on some of the other services and tools that you employ.
I second the recommendation. Have tried every service out there over the last 10 yrs. Fly is quality, and occasionally amusing. Re breaking news, they'll usually be 15min ahead of CNBC, excepting the 5-6 times a yr faber or huckleberry actually break a story. On another front, Broker, does this look a bit like some of the market maker scams a few yrs back: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0f091d60-6e92-11db-b5c4-0000779e2340.html
These jokers are lucky the Spitz is moving on, whole lot more in the way of paper trail these days.
Conference call keeper of the week via briefing: "Briefing.com note: Call is getting ugly, we actually heard one of the TRLG management whisper 'they are going to slam us', we are not positive what it was in relation to but regardless, the call has not gone very smoothly for the co... stock is trading at $16.85 in after hours."

These boys need a spine, they oughta read some EXPD call transcripts.
Thanks for the positive comments, TheFlyTeam.....
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