Monday, December 18, 2006


Closing Comments

As I discussed the market with some of my colleagues today, I told them their market "topping" scenario is not even an option for me-- not yet. Basically, the beartards have been calling the top for 2,000 straight DOW points. Wrong, fuckers.

So, I have trained myself to have faith in the asshole dip buyer-- for he never disappoints. Today, many of us undertook severe lashings at the hands of "mother market," and wonder if the bitch will beat us again tomorrow.

Being on the receiving end of many a lashing, I do not fear market declines and use them to my advantage.

With the precipitous drop in oil, I suspect further weakness in oil stocks. However, what is bad for oil may be good for tech.

Bottom line: Despite the negative tone today, I will be using this Christmas markdown to do a little shopping, especially in tech.

NOTE: Today and tomorrow, MVIS is hosting analysts from Citi, UBS, etc.

The thought of these two giving the thumbs up to mvis has me pitching a circus tent in my pants as I sits in my trading chair.
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