Friday, December 29, 2006


Closing Comments

For me, a New Year marks a fresh beginning. I know it's only psychological-- but it helps me refresh and improve upon the mistakes and bad habits I might have picked up in the previous year.

Looking back in 06', I did fairly well-- up 27%. But, now that doesn't mean jack.

Right now, I am equal to the fucktarded, dickless asshats who lost 27%. Right now, I need to put my past successes aside and focus on the new. To help me outperform, I need to be sensitive to market shifts and economic forecasts.

I am not even going to mention 06' anymore, because it's a memory.

So, with that being said, I look forward to coming back to work Wednesday, after being inebriated into a classical Irish stupor-- and work on banging out some early gains for 2007.

It's extremely important to start out the New Year with green. Otherwise, you are fucked right out the gate. Personally, I do not like being fucked-- right out the gate.

Enough of that.

Bottom line: The great equalizer is here. Learn from your mistakes and kick some ass in 07'.

Happy New Year!

Hey Fly...

Best wishes for a Monster New Year! :)
Congrats on your ytd as Im only up 1% due to bad futures trade this month that went haywire.
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