Monday, December 18, 2006


Fly Buy: MVISW

I bought 3,000 MVISW @ $1.38.

Disclaimer: If you buy MVISW because of this post, termites may eat your house. And, you may lose money.

Broker, do you have the report/details on the UBS upgrade in ICFI? stock hammered on late friday news that Blanco and company are trying to yank a fat contract. Re upgrade, can't find anything beyond hold to buy. thanks
What the FUCK is up with the NAZ? Fucking lagging POS.
Apple is getting it's cock knocked off!
AAPL just put in a double bottom.
Help. I am melting.
Steve Jobs need to announce porn on Itunes.
Strange trading day.. Fuckin weird.
I blame today's losses on global warming.
Fuckin Al Gore wannabe.
Al Gore scared the shit out of me with his movie.

Being that we are all going to die soon, I am trying my best to buy as much stock as I can prior.
In the afterlife, God judges us not on our actions in life, but on the performance of our portfolios.
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