Friday, December 15, 2006


Late Day Thought

Should I drink another Monster Energy soda?

Mix a little Grey Goose with it--It's fucking Friday man, just don't start selling MVIS.
Yes along with clicking your buy order button on every futures contract in sight.

I will dedicate my life to e-mini futures and make 5,0005 a year like Austin Passamonteof.
Make that a survey.
MVIS loves shitting the bed at the end of the day.
As long as is not my bed.
Austin is for real or exists in this world anyway.. austin Passamonte
google him or see him at
Passamoney may be real but he sounds like a chump to me. No one has a system that makes 500% per year. If they claim this then most likely they turned 1k into 5k not 1m into 5m in one year. Did anyone catch that otcbb stock pump on cnbc. -IFLI.ob- They were pumping it like hell and telling everyone to check it out. They had some dude from the fight club talking about how he wish he bought more shares. We have officially topped when this shit goes on network tv.
vlo is cheap by every metric. You should do a Fly Buy of 10k.
I prefer NOS Energy drink. I used to drink Star Bucks every day, but $4 a drink is ridiculous, now that I think about it. And so, I got it down to $2 a drink w/ my
new energy-drink addiction. I bought a 4-pack of Coolah last night... I'll try it over the weekend since my girl friend wants to do some gay turbo jam thing- either i'll have the energy to do it, or i'll puke and won't have to.

BTW, MVIS is getting awfully popular. I may have to give in to the dark side and buy a few.
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