Friday, December 29, 2006


Marcel Woods : Advanced

Happy New Year!

Happy new year broker!
alittle more SIMG swag for the extended holiday.
Happy New Year, Broker.
Go guy a poor fat chick a diet coke along with 2 big macs. Good way to ring in the new year. Better yet send her to BWLD!
I am going to fucking drink until I run out of liquor.

Thanks. Be safe.
Congrats..the mid year looked bad and 27% gain in your line of work in is deserving of a bender a la E Hem. Enjoy and do me a favor if you can find a flaw in the mvis plan let us know, i sure the Fuck cant, keep buying and continue with your blog (best on the web) Feliz ano nuevo!!!
just to be a devil's advocate what if they are unable to mass produce cell phone embeded projecters. That may be very difficult task. Also, the small mirror that is sitting on 2 silicon axes, can it be affectively controlled. and how about the power usage of this device. To be honest I'm long this stock, but I just want to get others opinions on what are the possibilities that this could go wrong. I'm just worried that this is too perfect of an opportunity to make life changing amount of money.
Borker do you like EOG? I'm thinking this might be a good time to add to my position. Cheers and Happy New Year!
The only possible fly in the ointment I see is *competition*. Do you think Philips is using MVIS technology in their new phone?
Apparently the Philips thing was just a mock-up commercial for an unreleased (non-laser), product that will not harm MVIS's future.
Thoughts on VLO? Concerned it could slide several bucks lower. Considering getting out and waiting till it goes lower.
Anyone who hopes that this stock will go to $10 anytime soon is dreaming and will be dissapointed when we drift back to $2.20 in the next few years.
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