Thursday, December 21, 2006


Market Prediction for 2007

Why do pundits/analysts think they can predict the future by giving headline grabbing forcasts? Aside from the headlines, I guess these fuckers believe they are all the reincarnation of Nostradamus or something. I mean, what is the upside to "predicting" the market will fall by a staggering 40%?

First off, sharp declines like that are once in a lifetime events. Considering we already got our faces ripped off between 2000-2002, I seriously doubt another crash is looming.

Instead of playing Merlin the magician, these beartards should do work and quit being so damn negative.

As for perma-bulls, at least they have cool hair doos.

My prediction for 2007 is for stocks to trade up and down.

NOTE: This guy is right about futures trading. However, I do not believe futures trading is suitable for small investors. That guy Cal, running around the web promoting it, suffers from delusions of grandeur and should be denied access to airplanes, important landmarks and other high security area's.

That worthless cunt Erin Burnett thought that 14,000 on the DOW was not bullish enough and she wanted her 15,000. Guess that is so they can parade around on the floor with their gay asshats on. God how I hate CNBC, especially Maria and Erin and the other ass clowns that act like they are benefitting if a stock is going higher. And yes I am in a wonderful cheery Christmas mood especially if MVIS gets going above $3.30. I can now spout off 9 applications for the mini-projector and find myself liking the product regardless of the stock.
CNBC got gay after the bubble burst. Back in 99, CNBC was the shit.

I still like
Kernan and
I like the Admiral myself. Did you hear The Donald spouting off on Rosie after the fallout of Miss America engaging in hot lesbian action? Fuckin hilarious, you just cannot make this stuff up!
Nice post. The futures debate has me in stitches. As they say, arguing on the internets is like running... well you know the rest.
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