Friday, January 05, 2007


Closing Comments

A lot of smart people bought the oil sector today, as Cramer and everyone else on CNBC is calling for a swift poleaxing of the sector. Some of my positions, namely GMXR and VLO, bounced. However, at this stage, I am too busy and important to worry about where oil is going tomorrow. For now, I will watch the little people (you) scramble for crumbs, while I eat turkey legs and throw mashed potatoes at my servant/trader.

As for today's trading:

It was a typical bull trap. The first sign of market weakness and all of a sudden it's 1929-- without JP Morgan to bail us out. Please.

Aside from oil, internet stocks rallied, with outsized gains in DIET, MAMA, YHOO and WEBX.

Finally, I am still bullish and look forward to making some serious coin in MVIS, early next week.

LOL. Serious coin, he says.

Or maybe he'll just own the whole damn company, before long!
hey chicken shit anonymous... you are just sorry you missed the boat. Maybe next time? You would be creaming your jeans right now if you were sitting on a gain like that... get a life.
re: oils ... openned a 15k position in Oil ETF ... thinking a 5% bounce
I know I did not miss the boat like that other guy but I can tell you I AM CREAMING IN MY PANTS ABOUT NEXT WEEK!!! Bottom line anything under 4 is cheap cheap cheap. I also believe SPR is cheap cheap and I am buying it like a whore with all her teeth. Might I also suggest WFMI, HANS and SNDK! Love them all as does Broker. Best bet right now is WAG too.
So, dd,

I am the "chicken shit anonymous" referenced above, and I wasn't expressing derision, I was trying to express admiration for how rich Broker A is becoming. As if he hasn't ALREADY made some "serious coin" on this stock, by my standards anyway!

I've been watching the MVIS story unfold here for weeks. I don't buy stocks under $10, it's just not my investment style, but I certainly admire those with a tolerance for the risk, especially when it pays off so handsomely.

I read this blog every day and enjoy it immensely.

And, thank you, I do have a life. And, I am not a guy. And, I just may buy HANS next week.

So there.
I think the market will have double digit gains again this year. BrokerA you got the best blog and I hope you continue this until you retire and move to your own fucktard island with unlimited supply of Monster Juice while trading blocks of futures.
Holly shit take a look at this Broker! This is awesome and highlights all this shit PicoP could be used for.
"I don't buy stocks under $10" So if a stock was at $9.99, it's a bad investment but 1 penny higher it's a great investment? Seems rather arbitrary, no?
It's a nice simplistic rule - and if the world was that simple it would be a good rule. But I don't think things are that simple.
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