Monday, January 08, 2007


Closing Comments

Today, commodity related stocks were on a roller coaster, as the oil sector whipsawed investors all day. However, by closing, Energy stocks and Steel closed green, especially Steel.

Aside from Steel, I liked the action in the Semi's and Internets, specifically GMKT, KNOT, ASTSF, ONNN and NVEC.

Overall, I think if you are short stocks right now, you have no fucking clue. Ultimately, all rallies must pause and I do not believe the market will go up forever. However, I am also cognizant of the importance to perform well in January-- with regards to investor psyche. All in all, I am confident the bulls will make people like Rev Shark (fucktarded bear) from look asshattery.

Finally, my MVIS position closed strong on good news. I suspect there is one or two golden press releases left, prior to any minor pullback.

A SNL skit that I thought y'all would enjoy and is actually funny (few and far between when it comes to SNL).
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