Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Fly Buy: HANS

I bought 5,000 HANS @ $33.75.

Disclaimer: If you buy HANS because of this post, you may become the recipient of an absurd amount of static shock. And, you may lose money.

I bought HANS as well at 33.40 I likes the taste.
Hey Broker, do you know when HANS Sept earning are to come out? Or did they come out and I'm blind?
It will never get cold again and there will be everlasting peace in the middle east.

Thanks to global warming, I will now be able to vacation in the Siberian Wastelands and sip Pina Colada's in Antartica.
"It will never get cold again and there will be everlasting peace in the middle east."

Also, China will declare a moratorium on progress and revert to a 19th century lifestyle.
I tried some of that khaos shit today, Not bad..
Have you hear of AB and HANS teaming up with a Alcoholic Monster drink?
Opinion :)

Hang in there Fly, with the market. It's good to be a long, in the long run, imo.
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