Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Fly Buy: LMT

I bought 1,000 LMT @ $97.10.

Disclaimer: If you buy LMT because of this post, Canada will invade the U.S. and force you to speak French. And, you may lose money.

ADBE almost 4 month base at $40. You still like, and up to what level? Thanks
The old fear play :) On another note look out Iran we are coming.
xwWith peace and prosperity undoubtedly taking root and growing rapidly in the middle east, I see little upside.
Anon #3 are you smoking some good stuff or what?
Anon #4: Anon #3 is channeling VP Dick Cheney.
Hey Broker A. What's your take on LMT for this yr? Been in it for few months and have a nice profit, but have been seeking an exit point for the position. The stock seems to be going up on lighter and lighter volume and down days volume seems to be higher than up days volume. Any thought? Thx.
I own the stock for 5 years. This purchase is a trade-- for the "hundred dollar roll."
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