Thursday, January 11, 2007


Fly Buy: SORL

I bought 5,000 SORL @ $8.90.

Disclaimer: If you buy SORL because of this post, your wife will demand major upgrades to the house. And, you may lose money.

what did goldman say about hans?
Broker can you explain a little on SORL, is this a new position or existing?
Hansen Natural: December energy sales look in-line in food stores - Goldman (37.67 -0.32) -Update : Goldman Sachs views Q4 sales data as in-line and are making no changes to their estimate. However, based on the recent run-up in Hansen's stock price, the firm believes the stock could come in a bit on this news today, particularly since investors may have anticipated some upside as a result of the better December weather seen in much of the country.

SORL is a China automotive play.
New position
I like sorl, but today's action ain't my thing. moving on the underwriter's initation, and the underwriter sucks ass, Maxim. that said, they killed last quarter, all sector news has been good since, so...
I have to admit that I just shorted a bunch of SMH for a trade. TXN and KLAC are sucking wind on every uptick of the Dow. A fall in SMH could lead to a NASDAQ all this afternoon.
Maxim does suck-- in a very big way. But, the company looks ripe for a trade.

That's all this is. Not a long term trade.

Go drink a few Monster Energy Soda's. You are clearly suffering from a caffeine deficiancy.
When you say "Many people I know are still short U.S. equities. I just don't get it." are you referring to money managers, individual traders? Do these folks manage millions, hundreds of millions? Just trying to get some perspective.
Re: Goldman Sachs--all Treas Secty Paulson has to do is pick up a phone and the markets hear the dial tone.
Bye,Bye SMH and the chip stocks.

You're very brave to short into a multi-year breakout and to declare the SMH dead...mthinks you've been reading Rev. Shark and are taking his reservations about the market to heart. Good to know there's lots of shorts still hanging on to their positions which should ultimately lead to more upside
re china, friedman has a note out on UCBH, very interesting, positive on today's news. This little bastard might be getting into mainland banking
No, I'm not brave, just chicken. I went long early yesterday and sold SMH at the close. I shorted this AM and will probably cover this PM. This market is run by TradeBot , Hedge Funds, and Black Boxes these days. I am chicken to hold much overnight because you don't know if TradeBot will have a good or bad night sleep. I used to hold stocks for weeks and months. Not anymore. Too chicken.
You sound like a maroon. You should seriously consider buying a couple conservative mutual funds and get a job at Wendy's.
Wendy's serves chicken. Maybe a good idea for jg. He'll be in good company!
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