Friday, January 19, 2007


Late Day Thought

MVIS shorts will have their livers eaten for them.

I can't wait for Tokman to KO those MVIS hedgie/short bastards. When he shows even a little of his hand...shorts are gonna be spitting out their teeth.
I shorted 25000 shares at 4 and covered at 3.45. Looking to do the same if this POS gets to 3.80.

The Fly is selling while you lemmings are buying. LOL
Wow, you shorted $100,000 worth at the top and covered at the low??

Sounds like you are a big time pro...or a 12 year old with access to a computer who has nothing better to do with his time. Go back to playing with your dolls and watching "Noggin"
Haha and your monopoly money have been exposed.....;-)
I'll tell you what:

I will personally and gladly lend you 100,000 shares for you to short.
I know you guys like Chuck-E-Cheese, but I prefer to think of Microvision's history in relation to food from McDonalds.

Back in the days of old (the Pre-Tokiazoic Era), Microvision had Big Mac technology (lots and lots of good-tasting ingredients but producing an unfocused taste) and a small-fries business sense. Oh yeah...and a large fattening milkshake of expenses.

Now, Tokman has turned Microvison into a well-defined Quarter Pounder with Cheese: the IPM is the big serving of meat that everybody wants, and the cheese is the business model that is built around it that makes everything taste just right. Oh yeah, his GE Six-Sigma management skills has also magnified our company's Business sense into Super-Sized Fries! And finally, Tokman has also eliminated the expensive milkshake of expenses by trimming operating costs into a nice Diet Coke of cool satisfaction!

So the next time somebody asks you what your favorite NASDAQ company is -- just tell them you've got a Microvision Happy Meal.
Jules: Do you know what they call a Quarter Pounder with cheese in France?
Brett: No.
Jules: Tell him, Vincent.
Vincent: Royale with cheese.
Jules: Royale with cheese. Do you know why they call it a Royale with cheese?
Brett: Because of the metric system?
Jules: Check out the big brain on Brett. You one smart *****.

Jules: A Royale with cheese. What do they call a Big Mac?
Vincent: Well, a Big Mac's a Big Mac, but they call it le Big-Mac.
Jules: Le Big-Mac. Ha ha ha ha. What do they call a Whopper?
Vincent: I dunno, I didn't go into Burger King.
jules: What does marcelles wallace look like?
brett: WWWhat?
jules: I said what does marcelles wallace look like?
brett: WWHHat?
jules: Say what again fucktart, say what again.
brett: WWWhhhaatt?
jules: does he look like a bitch?
brett: NNOOO
jules: then why you trying to fuck em like a bitch.
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