Monday, January 22, 2007


Late Day Thought

Shortsellers are dicks.

There's plenty of time for you to switch teams and start making some money on the short side.

Come on over to the dark side...

DICK (Not)
You are an evil man. I like your style.

Why don't we go throw some old people down stairs?
rich dick's

You fucking guys have been "machine gunned" over the last two years.
u pick your battles asshat, joe from $70 to < $50, oil, copper, etc. get in the game, shorts are the whitehats, all others are sheep.
Shortsellers are fucktarded asshats.

Right now, I'd go short YHOO. They really do suck.
i'd short AMZN, the internet rally was fake.
Evil, eh. Check out my Cramer bombs in the next set of comments...
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