Friday, January 05, 2007


Position Updates: HANS

HANS is roaring back, following an early day dip.

However, I have not consumed any Monster Energy Soda or Khaos today. Instead, I have been guzzling some blue collar Dunkin' Donuts coffee. I know, Dunkin' Donuts is for fucktarded losers, who enjoy ordering extra jelly donuts with fucking skim milk coffee. Dicks.

More on this later.

What… a fucking tease? Is this the NBC nightly news? Are you really Brian Williams?
No, I am Bill O'reilly-- pin head.

Watch me tonight on FOX, where I regularly pitch fucking "Factor Gear" to middle aged fucktards from the Mid-west.
DKAM popping again.
I believe Consumer Reports rated the coffee served at Dunkin Donuts superior to the others...
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