Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Position Updates: NDAQ, SNDK

Both stocks are very inexpensive, compared to industry peers. Plus, they are on fucking fire. With any good news, I suspect both will greatly outperform the market-- near term.

Could not agree more!!! I have been talking about Sandy the Disk here for the past few days and I am loving it. Might I also give a shout to HANS which is fucking poleaxing these shorts who seem to be refusing to cover even now. If only MVIS and energy would get moving.
Broker A
What is your take on VLO now? Is this the short term bottom or is it more likely to break $46. thanks
My opinion on SNDK is purely statistical. Personally, I fucking hate that stock. I am in from $25, so I will not be selling.

I think VLO is at the bottom of its range. However, do not bet the ranch. Keep your weighting no more than 10%.

Commodity related stocks are being liquidated.
Are people betting SNDK will be in the I-Phone?
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