Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Position Updates: VLO

Everyone is bearish on oil. With 50 degree temperatures in NYC, there is good reason to sell the fuckers and move on.

If you are worried to death over VLO or any other oil stock-- sell it. One way or another, my energy weighting will represent 8-10% of my holdings. So, I am not selling.

My point: I am not a day trader and rarely do I swing trade. Generally, I invest for big moves and try to keep a balanced portfolio-- no matter how inconvenient it may be.

Bottom line: VLO will probably trade lower short term. Prepare to buy more at lower prices or sell now.

NOTE: During my research, I came across LNN. Basically, LNN is a Middle East infrastructure play. They provide irrigation systems. Common sense dictates the fuckers from the Middle East will continue to pour money into their infrastructure. If it passes my final smell test, I will probably start buying the stock Wednesday or Thursday.

hey A,

what doing on this holiday? Anything new on HANS? I have to tell you, I'm so addicted to Khaos energy drink. On New Years eve everyone was buying Monster at 7-11. Anyway, I just noticed Hansen doesn't promote Monster on their website (hansens.com). I wonder why.
Seperate entity and they are embarrassed by the market share they control of the energy drink market and the profits it generates for their company. Shhhhh.
I'll second that - I'm a Red Bull drinker normally and prefer that to the regular Monster, but I just tried a Khaos for the first time and love it!!
nice comments on VLO - you are making sense - this is a weird series of events - katrina hell to the rigs ... and then 0 huricanes, and a blissfully warm winter - who woulda thunk ! ...

But in any event - the price of oil is bound to go back up - so I am with you Broker A ... (fly boy) ... and I just dumped into USO again ... and if it goes down again at this point - I am in for more.
I suggest everyone read this post. Personally, I am looking forward to checking in on Victorias Box regularly.

Pat Robertson predicts that a LNN buy disclaimer will have something to do with him.
BROKER what are your thoughts on SPR this morning? Citi took them to a sell and lambashed the heck out of them saying $24 target! Sorry but I shot first and took my $1.25 gain.
Well, CITI was not the only house to start coverage. Several others did with bullish targets.

Once again, I would wait for high 20's to enter.
fly boy..keep up the great job. You are a great short term indicator for my trades. :)
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