Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Quick Alert: Trannies Castrate the Bears

All weekend, the fucktarded bears on t.v. were warning us small timers to start worrying over the lackluster performance in the Transportation index. With the Trannies up 2.7% intra-day, I dare to ask:

How 'bout now, bitch?

I suppose the bears will now say: "Well, the decline in oil is related to the weakening U.S. economy. Therefore, sell everything, burn down your house for the insurance money and move to the mountains of Montana-- because the Great Depression II is coming."

In the meantime, while they wait for these events to transpire, I'll keep throwing eggs at their faces.

UPDATE: Wow. With the markets giving up all of its gains, I have effectively cracked a few eggs over my face. I swear, sometimes I fucking hate the markets.

Back to reality.

Broker any thoughts on Sandy the Disk?
When do you think the dying dollar is gonna boost oil? Or do people think that the dollar's decline is just temporary?
mkt getting heavey into fed min. oil is weather, there zero chance of anything short of a bombing run on iran creating supply issues for the foreseeable future. SOTU looks to focus on a major alt energy program, not more of that addiction pap we were smeared with last year. BOFA joker was out yest trying to stir up action on a possible troop surge. cause is questionable, and his related effect is fucktarded. Long term question re dollar/euro, what happens to the euro when a major economy over there drops? germany/italy look possible, and pressure will build on the frenchies as they move to new leadership.
Fuck the dollar. Ask your employer to pay you in gold bricks.
Not to worry, broker, they're just trying to fuck with us....
What the hell just happened? I turn away for a few hours and the bears come out of their caves.
sheesh, the natives are restless... I guess Pat Robertson just issued his market outlook for 2007?? ;)

broker, do you have an opinion on TASR? Jeffries made them a pick for 2007. I've traded long TASR off and on and generally think they're transitioning successfully from BS hype company to real company. I think the guns are here to stay, the stock's been beaten down, orders trending up, they may actually start making decent money, and the global market for official violence looks like it has great prospects ... ;)
BTW, fed minutes are out and they said:

"The decline in oil is related to the weakening US economy. You should sell everything, burn down the house, and move to Montana"

Reportedly, Bernanke is offering lots for sale in Billings... ;)
Back to reality?

Good luck. This is the stock market, baby. A virtual casino, in case you hadn't noticed.
Broker I know you are buying right now, where are you putting money to work. WFMI at 45.50? Irrationality rocks!
The market reached back like a pimp on my overly bullish ass today.
I agree that this market over the last few years has been a casino, both up and down. The hedge funds run,and in some cases involving the commodity stocks, manipulate the market. Trends used to take months to develop and now trends can change intraday depending on what TradeBot and other black boxes perceive as a possible market inefficiency.
Sometimes I feel like putting a fucking slot machine style lever on my fucking trading computer.
Broker are you telling me you didn't buy any of this dip today? Not even the undervalued plays like SNDK, WFMI, and MVIS? Did you take a nap during this ride, I knew you should have drank more than two monsters today!
no dice-- just hans.
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