Thursday, January 04, 2007


Sector Spotlight: Semiconductors

Aside from my MVIS kicking ass, the Semi's are having a good day-- with nice moves in INTC (upgraded), SIRF and BRCM.

Basically, the dip buyers are out and about-- buying everything in sight. I suspect the market will close comfortably in the green. However, I am short term bearish on commodity related stocks, especially gold. I feel stocks like GROW are way overvalued and will become subject to a swift poleaxing-- near term.

Also, I really like the action in RIMM and SNDK. With RIMM, I know many of you internet guru's keep scratching your heads, wondering why RIMM keeps going up. I'll let you in on a little secret: It's because big money knows little money is betting against it. Right now, forcing the weak handed shorts to cover RIMM is very easy. I suspect RIMM will walk up another 25 points, before any real sellers hit the bid.

With SNDK, I think all of the bad news is baked in and it found a bottom. If I didn't hate that fucking stock with all of my life force, I'd buy it for a trade.

Finally, I like the action in DNA. The stock has been a big time laggard and is due for a little walk up.

United Services (Grow) is linked to commodity stocks since the bulk of their Funds growth over the last few years have been in the natural resource area (especially gold, copper, etc.). I remember when the stock was about $2.00 a share when gold was in a bear market. Grow is nothing but a Momentum play, people have been buying it only beacause its been going up.
Broker SPR is coming about captain.
via cnbc : Cramer called the current tech rally "strong" and that "this tech rally has legs."

ouch, babe. then again, broken clock, blind squirrel
all these little "about freakin time" miracles popping around... GLW up 3+% - all the LCD guys had turned up and only GLW was lagging. AMGN - a big day, like DNA, it's just been unreasonably beaten down. BRCM - no miracle, but I think they'll make tons of money with that chip that supports both blu-ray and HD video, leaving everything else aside. Even NTRI is pushing the shorts around today.
Market opens down = Buy

Market opens up = Sell
What are your best ideas EQIX aside on the increase in bandwidth requirements that will be needed this year as Internet-TV takes off?
BTW, Broker, I bet you deserve to post one of those "I'm on freaking fire" posts today. Guessing from MVIS DNA CORS RIMM etc you were probably up 2% or more - well, except maybe for oil.

BTW, dump oil and buy solar - walmart wants to put solar panels on all of their stores.
When EQIX hits $100, we will talk fundies.
Solar panels require oil to produce. They are made of glass and plastic. All alternative technologies depend on the oil infrastructure at this point. Maybe someday that will change...before the last drop of oil has been squeezed from the planet!
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