Thursday, January 11, 2007


Sector Spotlight: Semiconductors

I must admit, I have been secretly watching CNBC's "Fast Money." And, I actually enjoy it-- a little. However, the bald guy grates my soul-- with his deliberate arrogance. Nonetheless, I think Dylan Ratigan may have a hit. Who, by the way, is a very nervous man. I mean, really, Ratigan looks like he just finished chugging down a gallon of coffee-- followed by a pack of cigarettes-- followed by a few hits of his GE crack pipe.

By the way, the "Admiral" bet Cramer 50k that oil/gold will outperform the financials in 07'. The Admiral is a fucking riverboat gambler--which is great. But, Cramer is going to pimp him on this bet.

As for today's trading:

This is starting to feel like fucking groundhog day (the movie), where the same crap happens over and over again. Why won't the fucktards just surrender to the bulls and cover their shorts?

Many people I know are still short U.S. equities. I just don't get it.

Today, I really like the action in DNA (position of mine). Finally, I feel DNA can get back on its horse and climb to $100. Time will tell.

Also, I really like the action in the Semi's. There, I like RMBS, NVEC, SIGM, WFR and HITT.

Aside from the Semi's, the Software sector is on fire today-- with outsized gains in MWY, WIT, ATVI, SAY and CRM.

I agree with you about Fast Money. The bald guy chaps me, and his picks usually suck. I've found that the admiral picks usually do much better. But in a fight of the admiral vs. cramer, I'd side with Cramer. His thinkless following has the ability to increase a stock by 5% at the drop of a hat (in AH of course).
Goldman out cautious on HANS. GS analyst was the one who called out cramer in the upper 20's. Shorts will come for it, even though the note just mentions the obvious. Hans has to have an old school quarter, no line report or guide, after recent runup
Gold I dunno. Everyone hates oil. I hate oil. Probably time to buy but I can't stomach more than the 10% of my portfolio I already have in SU.

I thought they were going to put those guys on at 5 and put Kudlow out to pasture at 8 where he'd be CNBC's version of the no spin zone or something. I want to hear about stocks not the last busted Bush buttboys strapping on the kneepads one more time.
Oh I love stuttering fucktards… and is that the first familia fucktard of the morning?
Broker what are you watching to buy here? You seem awfully quiet on your buys the past few days, just trying to get a sense of where to put money to work.
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