Friday, February 02, 2007


Closing Comments

I had a decent week, +0.6%-- putting my year to date return at around 6.2%. Despite getting claw hammered on NTRI and BWLD-- I managed to make money. I attribute my gains to superb asset allocation methods. Such methods will never be revealed to you-- McDonald drinking coffee fuckers.

Instead, I will offer "Fly Buys" and "Fly Sells" as sneak peeks into my world of superior money management.

Seriously, today was a perfect, non-eventful consolidation day, with most sectors green-- even AAPL.

Good old fashion AAPL managed to go up .01! Cocksuckers.

Finally, I am not a believer in the Homebuilder story. Frankly, I feel crazy people are loading up, in order to get unloaded on. If that makes any sense.

With my money, I will start to overweight Telecom and underweight Energy. I have come to the conclusion that I no longer "need" oil. Therefore, I will systematically sell most of my Energy holdings and replace them with lotto tickets or OTB bets.

NOTE: Many people I know are challenging my BWLD bullishness. When BWLD goes to $75, I am going to mail them a night's worth of chicken bones.

What % of your portfolio are you still going to keep in oil?
Got some BWLD at 51. It could very well go back and fill the gap. You know how these analysts play the game...
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