Friday, February 23, 2007


Closing Comments

Today was quite enjoyable. I ended up the week +3.2%, putting my YTD returns above 11%. Additionally, I heard from some old friends-- who needed to have their money managed. All in all, life keeps getting better for "The Fly," as his information pipeline gets better by the day.

While it's true, the week ended on a down note and many "smart investors" are worried about a pending correction in the markets. I, on the other hand, do not fear such pedestrian events-- mainly because I am hopped up on Monster Energy Soda and because I am bullet proof.

Some of you may say, "Hey, this guy is fucking nuts" or "I can't wait until he starts losing money, so that he stops hiring illegal Mexicans."

However, such attempts or wishes will only fall flat on its face, for I have ample cash reserves and supply of illegal Mexicans to last for years-- in the event my calculator brain malfunctions.

As for today's trading:

Everyone had a hard on for Gold, Oil and Steel. However, I was impressed by the "amazon jungle strength" in the Networkers, specifically GGBM, GLBC, CAMD, ADCT, DIGL and NETL.

In short, I want to stay long the Networkers, until Jim Cramer gets "shit-canned" from CNBC or until the internets gets eaten by a rogue robot.

Finally, I intend on "hiring" someone to blog on this stupid website, on the weekends, very soon. Starting salary will be equal to the Ancient Roman "minimum wage," and the honor to be associated with a genetically superior life form. If any of you leaches would like such an "honor," make sure to e-mail me-- at my earliest convenience.

Broker, since you're such an oil bear you should short the USO all the way up to 55. This would satisfy your oft stated desire to put your money where your mouth is.
Didn't broker first start a blog copying Cramer's calls? Since then he is this big money manager? Let the lier fulfill his damaged ego by posting here everyday. He lives in a dream. He claims he is this super money manager but I bet you 50K that he is some day trader hiding behind his monitor.

If I was a "big money manager" like you say, do you think I'd be wasting my time with retards on the internets?

I leave it all on the table. Look at my order size, 100-250k. If I was "big," those trades would be 5-10mill at a clip.

With that being said, I still probably coin more than you and 50 other of your family members, combined.

In short, I am a piker/ small time mm who likes to fuck with retards on the internets.

Oh, by the way, fuck you too.

Keep dodging the question and keep using foul language. I already said it. I bet you 50K that you are full of it.

Why don't you prove everyone who you think you are? and make me look like a moron. Instead, you keep talking trash and you keep using foul language.

You keep doing what you are doing. Whatever makes you happy. :-)
mmx, if you had ever really read that blog it would have been obvious to you that broker a was exposing JimC as the clown everyone knows him to be.
JimC was one of the best hedge fund managers. It is funny to see BROKER A talks trash after all the sucessful money makers. Didn't he talk trash about Jim Rogers too? On a side note, when BROKER A went broke in 2000, Jim had over 30% return for that year. The real clown here is Broker A.
I'd be more inclined to listen to someone who challenges the "best hedge fund manager" and JimC in particular. Knob.
and the fact that you think JimC is an awesome hedge fund manager proves that you're a pinhead!
MarketdouchebagX: If you don't like what you see on this blog then get the fuck off of here and don't come back. Broker doesn't have time to fuck with deep fried turds like yourself. And no one wants to read you gay ass comments about you sucking Jimmy Cramers cock. In short: go stick your balls in a deep fryer.
Must be Saturday night at the internet fights. Anybody have an idea what oil, XLE, OIH might do on Monday? I shorted some XLE a few minutes before the close on Friday.
First rule about Saturday Night Internet Fight Club: there is no Saturday Night Internet Fight Club.
"Keep dodging the question and keep using foul language. I already said it. I bet you 50K that you are full of it.

Why don't you prove everyone who you think you are? and make me look like a moron. Instead, you keep talking trash and you keep using foul language.

You keep doing what you are doing. Whatever makes you happy. :-)"

Why should I "reveal" myself to some dicktard with an axe to grind on the internets?

I will remain anonymous to the people that don't already know me.

As for Cramer and Rogers:

When I was 12, I had a small pecker-- not any more. The same logic applies to Cramer's old ass brain.

Rogers bow tie constricts the flow of blood to his head, effectively depriving him of the important oxygen necessary to pick good stocks.

That fucker has been bearish since 2003. He sucks. I spit on him.

Plus, I can kick both of their old asses, at once.

To sum up how I feel, please listen to the song posted above, fuckers.
Broker as you know I own a fuckload (for me) of CORS, 40,000 shares as of now at $21 cost. Anyway wanted to update you, I did a ton of research over the weekend with a few smart guys around here in the Chi and right now everything seems to agree with your fucktarded servant, they are looking much much better than what the asshats are trading it at. I have room for one more buy in addition to adding on Friday after the waterheads sold off because of the sub-prime "rumors." Just an FYI as I know you own it too.

On another note, have you been hearing some chatta on LOCM? I own a small piece into Monday.

Last thing here what has the calculator brain been thinking about for upcoming plays? And do you like AMGN?
The market certainly has been awesome so far this year. My year-to-date returns are also above 11%.
I "hear" GOOG will somehow enter LOCM's pitiful life.

As for CORS, it's a dog shit stock, but damn good company.

We just have to get thru all this sub-prime lender crap.
Hello Gappingand yapping: AMGN (and DNA) are great companies, however without getting too political, I think any big Pharma and now large Biotech company will have problems with the Dems running things. I read a few days ago that there is now a bill in Congress pending that will allow for generics for a biologics company like AMGN (and DNA). As soon as their patents start expiring they may be as screwed as Big Pharma has been in the last few years. The Government through medicaid buys much of this stuff and wants the prices to come down. The big advantage an AMGN and DNA would have is I think they may have a bigger pipeline than the traditional Pharmas but I'm not sure.
Still, generic competition would hurt them as the patents expire. I think this proposed legislation may explain the squirrly price action the last few weeks. They both had great earnings report and have been going down in price since then. DNA didn't even move the next day when Camer said it was a $140 stock. I would be cautious on AMGN (although a great Co.) until the Dems are't in charge.
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"gapping, so you're down what, like 1.3 million on CORS."

CORS closed at 19 and change. He is only down around 80g's, my mathematically impaired friend.

I am doing seasonality research for March and Oil is a big standout. Very bullish.
mdawsz: Man you gave me such a good laugh today I just spit Black Cherry diet Hansens through my nose. I think you might want to take a little break from posting for a bit and work on learning to use calc.exe. I only own $840k worth of CORS. What you need to do is go to start>run>calc and press enter. Then put in 21 * 40000 then subtract (thats the - key) 780000. Let me know if that gives you 60000. If not then I think you might be high on meth or you shorted IVAC into earnings and got your cock-n-balls southern fried.

tradercaddy: fully agree on the dems attempting to destroy pharma however I think the valuation of AMGN is so attractive here. It has been beaten down for another reason (The Cancer Letter) than the dems and I feel it could be setup for a bounce given the heavy volume the past couple of days, to me it is signaling a bottoming/capitulation.
I agree on AMGN as a trade only (as opposed to a long term hold). I traded it in and out twice on Friday.
By the way, as proof the world is awash with liquidity, TXU is supposed to be bought out by private equity and now there is a rumor that Dow Chemical is going to be purchased by private equity, carve it up and sell off the parts. Starting to sound alot like the mid-80's to me when buyouts were financed by junk bonds (Michael Milkin, Ivan Bosey, etc). This is all a direct result of the carry trade and the hedge funds going nuts IMO. Who would have thought Dow Chemical is worthy of a buyout? Keko returns.
Oh yeah, I forgot to add the rumors last week of AMR being bought out. Who in their right mind would own an airline.
Gapping, I apologize for that. It certainly does appear that I'm the retarded one.
Actually, I think my cock and balls have been tarred and feathered.
"I am doing seasonality research for March and Oil is a big standout. Very bullish."

Broker, does this mean that you will be inviting Jim Rogers to be your guest blogger?
BTW, I did short IVAC and it cost me the equivalent of a mortgage payment.
marketmakerX: I like your style son, making $50k anon bets over the interwebby. Impressive. you should come write over on my blog.
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