Friday, February 09, 2007


Fly Buy: MVIS

I bought 15,000 MVIS @ $3.15.

Disclaimer: If you buy MVIS because of this post, your sub-prime loan will poleax itself. And, you may lose money.

CWTR had a very impressive rally. What is going on in the market today?
Broker A- you've got big balls buying MVIS here. My gut tells me to do the same. But I won't.

Gio- the turds are starting to float. That's the only think I can figure.
I buy MVIS because it makes me feel better.
It is dangerous to love too much.

I do hope to see you profit from this story stock.
I like Microvision and will hold not for 3 dollars a share, but 3 dollars a share in earnings. Hope its quick, but either way my position is getting big.
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