Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Fly Buy: MVIS

I bought 15,000 MVIS @ $3.24.

Disclaimer: If you buy MVIS because of this post, the polar ice caps will melt and destroy the Earth.

Where did all my money go? This is painful to watch.
What the hell happend to the Dow? I'm showing down -500!! Is that right?
PLCE looks good for an add down here.
Big blocks.

Computer orders triggered.
sweet, soft, baby jesus. I need a fuck richard and his colostomy bag post to at least sort of crack a smile. Seems like today would be the day...
The BS makers got even with me. I put a market order in to buy ABX when it was 29.55 and they executed it at 30.02. I still made a profit when I dumped it at 30.15 but they screwed me good. How do I become a market maker?
hope no one got hurt too bad. i been at it for 30 years, and have had to have my balls sewn back on more than once.
My god man, it's insanity to use market orders on a day like today.
Yup. use limits. too much madness going on.

I bought some of this panic today. It was quite ridiculous.

Chinese stocks still have a way to go down.
Microvision is a STUD!! To only drop a few pennies on a day like today...is impressive!

How u doing broker? Hows the calculator brain managed risk today?
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