Thursday, February 01, 2007


Fly Sell: MZZ

I sold 5,000 MZZ @ $57.95.

Do you ever use chart analysis? Your blog is entertaining and you seem like a nice guy but I wonder who in the right state of mind gives you money to manage.
Best of luck
Thanks Ank.

Which reminds me to tell you to go fuck yourself.

Go play with your charts, short boy.
Listen armature boy, a little bit defensive aren't we? Maybe I was lill harsh with my comments but I also complimented you too. Next time use charts to improve your performance before blindly buying stocks at any price. You crack me up. You call me a short boy? Whats wrong shorting weak stocks at breaking points? I just warned you to stay with strong stocks the other day. I go short as much as go long.

You giving me advice is like Bush giving lessons on public speaking.

I don't rely upon charts to make important decisions. Furthermore, if you hadn't figured it out by now, I am a bullheaded know-it-all.

Don't take offense or follow what I buy or sell. Frankly, only I understand my true motives.

Just sit back and watch me get rich-er or blow myself to smitherines-- live on the internet in true asshat form.
And, by the way, I was up 27% in 06' using crazy man methods.
What was your return in 2000, 2001 and 2002?
Why bother quoting meaningless numbers?

I did fine.

Look back in my archives, I short stocks all the time.

YTD, I am up 6%. I have a little wiggle room and will correct myself if I deem it necessary.

At the end of the day, there is 1,000 ways to skin the market. I have my methods, as do you.

Let's not butt heads over nothingness.
True, you have a point. Best of luck and take care.
Stick around. You may end up throwing eggs at my face, afterall.
QID'S will be the biggest $ trade u make this year, get in, adding on every dip. (since nov.) ba still holding short, got scary close to my stop, but never triggered. covered to soon on aapl.

climbing those fucking stairs.
This is a funny link. Reminds me of this blog at times.

That cracked me up.
If you liked that, this will make you shit your pants laughing.
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