Thursday, February 22, 2007


Important Public Message

Kindly tell that guy to stop all the asshattery, at once. He is in great danger of being killed by my internets ray gun.

From what his wife was telling me last night is he is going through some rough times. His dog just died of salmonella poisoning and he thinks he's gonna be rich from some lawsuit with jiffy peanut butter. It's only get gonna get worse when his wife leaves him and takes their trailer after finding out about his affair with Duke.
Those Taco Bell rats CNBC keeps running footage of are vry healthy. And kinda cute.

Since the chihuahua apparently died, they should grab one of those rats and use it as a mascot.
Broker you have not said much about CORS lately, any comments from your trader/servant?

Anyone trade ORCC with me yesterday?

Does anyone like AMGN here?
Regarding ORCC and CORS, I believe I've heard them to be lesbian - if I have the terminology correct.

I thought Asshat of the Week was going to become a regular feature.

Did Fly go skiing today?
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