Friday, February 09, 2007


Late Day Thought

Bob Pasani is a Micron-hating bear fucker.

Actually, I think he has his head up the bears ass. I used to think it was ring around the collar. Turns out it's bear shit around his neck.
Actually I think today was pretty productive. The selling did not get out of control and we did not have a true selling day with the DOW slightly off and the Nazz off pretty good. All in all it could have been a lot worse. If today was bad for everyone here then we should probably do a gut check of our exposure and risk tolerance. I know I will be over the weekend. Don't get me wrong I just by shriveled little balls cut off today but all in all they are still being tickled by mdaws' tonsils after that IVAC move. Lets hear it for the gold and oil moves and to tilting back some Night Train Express.
Have another martini
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