Monday, February 12, 2007


Position Updates: HANS, GILD, GME

Via Briefing:

HANS Hansen Natural announces distribution deal with PepsiCo Canada - no terms (39.51 )

Co announced that it has entered into an agreement with PepsiCo Canada by which PepsiCo Canada will be appointed the exclusive master distributor of Monster Energy, Lost Energy, Joker Mad Energy and Hansen's energy products throughout Canada. PepsiCo Canada will utilize the Pepsi bottling system throughout Canada, led by Pepsi Bottling Group, to implement the distribution and sale of Hansen's products. The terms of the deal were not disclosed.

GILD Gilead Sciences: Tamiflu guidance could prove conservative - Piper (71.16 )

Piper Jaffray says they learned that the recent 2007 guidance for pandemic sales is based on fixed orders from the US and R.O.W. governments as well as strong indications of upcoming orders. Furthermore, they say Roche stated that the orders in 2007 are new orders and not re-orders from governments replacing old Tamiflu inventories nearing shelf life expiration. Based on qualitative commentary from Roche management, they believe that the Tamiflu guidance and their Tamiflu estimates could prove conservative.

GME Gamestop Declares Two-for-One Stock Split; Bond buyback increased by $150 Million

One last gift to sell the HANS

A couple of times a year the shorts in OVTI get their balls cut off. Today looks like it may be the first testicle slashing of 2007. 42% of the float is short and they release unexpected "good" news. Grab a dull knife and join the party.
if the qid closes above $54.62, all your piggy banks will run home to me, squealing like ned beatty.
Daytraders may want to start easing into SMH. Its three main componentss (INTC,AMAT,TXN) stopped going down as NASDAQ and DOW heads South. Could mean good news later for SMH.
HANS is on fire
FWIW, Tamiflu is on a restricted list of drugs here in Germany. The gov't is trying to keep people from hoarding, which was causing supply shortages for the people and hospitals who actually need it. I got mine before the restriction and I keep it in the freezer.
You are in Germany?

Aren't those French fuckers, pesky?
Aachen, Germany.

There are enough people blogging stocks, so I'm doing something different.

As for the French? Well, I love French foods, wines and their women.

Fascinating blog. I bookmarked it. I like your writing style.

As for the French:

Great wine, cheese and women. I agree.
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