Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Quick Alert: Fly's Analyst Confronts HANS Seller

The numbers were better-than-expected. However, since the market is into crushing itself today, the stock is getting poleaxed. Nevertheless, my analyst is fucking irate.

Could we possibly see some green screen on LOCM today? Sure as hell would help. Those who bought HANS on that dip will be rolling in cash.
Just sit back and watch the AMERICAN stock market shrug off the Chinky drop.

Big profits to be made today, for the courageous.
The sellers are pussies. Again - no ability to crush this market.

Love the rebound in HANS. The seller may be cleaned up there.

You didn't catch the bottom. You bought at 35 with the rest of the fish. That makes you a loser on the day.

FD: no HANS position, and honestly no interest long or short, except to mock the overly self-assured whom the market spanks.
I'm long HANS from $28, bitch.

The day will come when I eat your liver. On that day, you will remember how incredibly gay you are.
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