Friday, February 23, 2007


Quick Alert: Fly's Analyst Opines on the Oil Sector

My analyst was asked about his opinion on the Oil sector today. Note the in depth thinking he uses to form an opinion. "The Fly" works in a similar way.

Since when was this an equal opportunity office. Does our analyst really have a security badge?
He does not.

Why don't you go over to his desk and ask him to leave.

I think he is in the middle of "preparing" another report.
Tell your servant to fuck off.

It's not looking good short-term for HANS next week. My report says uno centavo miss, and bids to high 20's. Can I borrow the titanium balls boss?
Have you EVER seen a woman with a bigger mouth than CNBC's Melissa Francis? Seriously.

Watch her, it really is oversized. I think a barrel of oil would fit into it (sideways).

She's a dingbat too.
She reminds me of this gal from Popeye
She is a bear.
I think melissa is Hot!
Even a stud with my sizable appendage would feel inadequate inside a maw as cavernous as hers.

Also, can you imagine kissing her? I think she would no doubt swallow your nose and chin in one gulp.
by the way...I hope some of you guys took my advice to short Ford a couple days ago when it was in the 8.70's. It is trading in the low 8.20's today.

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