Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Sector Spotlight: Financials

The fucking robot's, who trade stocks on the NYSE, are gay. There I said it.

Aside from that, we are off to a good start. However, as always, I am somewhat skeptical of this rally holding, considering the overwhelming majority of people who were caught with their pants down yesterday. In short, there is going to be risk reduction selling, amongst asset managers, sometime in the very near future.

With that in mind, I think it is important to comb through holdings and sell the vulnerable equities and overweight the stable. Also, with my money, I have started to put hedges up, via QID, SSG, short AMKR, short ATHR, etc.

Furthermore, I do not expect to make money on any of my shorts today. As a matter of fact, I expect to lose money-- as the market bounces here. My strategy is to just get the fuckers printed, so that my beta comes down. Still, I have a lot of volatile equities and I need to address that asap.

As for today's trading:

Watch the Financials. This morning, a very influential analyst from Merril downgraded the brokerage sector, including GS, BSC and LEH. Once again, many "smart people" are expecting the market to roll over-- withing the next two weeks.

Personally, I would rather see those "smart people" dipped in hot chocolate-- then fed to wild pigs. Nonetheless, it makes sense to be cautious-- following the "machine gunning" the bulls underwent yesterday.

The following Financial have mojo:

ISE +4.4%
CME +4.2%
NFI +3.3%
ICE +3%
SDA +2.9%
BOT +2.9%

We finally get some decent volatility on the NYSE that an active trader can act on, and the system is so fucked up we might as well have a blindfold on.

I hope one of those gay robots gives John Thain a violent butt fucking.
Daytraders should take a look at shorting SMH- INTC,KLAC,TXN not looking at that well when the Dow rallies. If rally falters start going into TLT but don't stay too long anywhere today otherwise you will lose your head. The goal is capital preservation.
maggot - agreed. Said gay robots appear to have "Folsom Street Faired" my Level II.

In other news, Bob Pisani is a no-talent asshat.
I am still waiting for the day, as Fast Money's Strazzini suggested, when Pasani is interviewing a bunch of gay robot servers on the NYSE.

Truly, I think I can die in peace, after seeing that.
Do wild pigs even like hot chocolate? More importantly, if this catches on as a fad does that make HSY a buy? It takes a lot of melted chocolate to cover "smart people."
I am renaming my Level Two Level 69-it sucks.
Indeed, pigs love hot chocolate.

The next time you are around a pig, give him a bite of chocolate. He will be your best friend, forever.
tradercaddy...why not name your Level Two, "Monica"?
Okay, will do; it already smokes cigars.
Lots of volume buys in HANS. Looking good. Anyone care for NYX? Seems like the increased trading would be good for them.
I agree on NYX.

HANS will rebound.
I thoroughly believe that Barry Ritholtz has been a bear since 2003 and last night he comes on and acts like he has been right ever since. True fucktard, I shit on your spleen. Off topic, AUY was a day traders dream today.
I wish I saw AUY, I was fixated on NEM and PAAS and traded them several times today. AUY would've been the better play.

Ritholtz is alright. He just dislikes the economy.
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