Friday, February 23, 2007
Sector Spotlight: Semiconductors
Pardon me for mentioning this: last night, I had a dream where I kicked that bow tie wearing commodity fiend (Jim Rogers) down a flight of stairs. Seriously, if I was hanging out with my friends, in a staircase, and that guy stepped to me with his "20 year" commodity rap--I am sure he would be doing multiple cart wheels down the stairs, shortly thereafter.
Anyway, ignore the negative indices, the market looks great today. Witness, outsized gains in the Semi's, Commodities, Telecom and the Networkers. They are all up. Therefore, I believe the market will rally off its lows today.
Specifically, I like TRID, KLAC, NETL, RTI, CENX, GLBC, NZT, TI and LOW.
By the way, my seasonality report said LOW would break the fuck out-- and it did. I will have the March report ready--early next week.
Finally, you can no longer ignore Gold. All of the finest asshats are buying it--therefore so should you. Again, my favorite way to play the yellow metal is via SVG or GLD. Also, keep an eye on the storage sector, specifically KOMG, XRTX, LCRD, WDC and IVAC. They're on fire.
NOTE: The Homebuilders are being skinned alive. Stay away from the sector, unless you have a burning desire to create some handsome tax losses.
The following Semi's have mojo:
VRGY +25%
DSTI +16%
EMKR +10%
AIXG +9.3%
UCTT +8%
SIRF +7.2%
Anyway, ignore the negative indices, the market looks great today. Witness, outsized gains in the Semi's, Commodities, Telecom and the Networkers. They are all up. Therefore, I believe the market will rally off its lows today.
Specifically, I like TRID, KLAC, NETL, RTI, CENX, GLBC, NZT, TI and LOW.
By the way, my seasonality report said LOW would break the fuck out-- and it did. I will have the March report ready--early next week.
Finally, you can no longer ignore Gold. All of the finest asshats are buying it--therefore so should you. Again, my favorite way to play the yellow metal is via SVG or GLD. Also, keep an eye on the storage sector, specifically KOMG, XRTX, LCRD, WDC and IVAC. They're on fire.
NOTE: The Homebuilders are being skinned alive. Stay away from the sector, unless you have a burning desire to create some handsome tax losses.
The following Semi's have mojo:
VRGY +25%
DSTI +16%
EMKR +10%
AIXG +9.3%
UCTT +8%
SIRF +7.2%