Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Red Hot Chili Peppers - Snow

No CC today. Can't you see, I am busy counting my fucking money.

UPDATE: Song switched because MDAWS said so.

I'd rather be punched in the nuts than listen to that again.
You should have left the song, and punched him in the nuts.

I'm surprised you didn't pick up on the Samba chicks on my site today.
Haha thanks! Good choice. Did you know that Kiedis broke his back as a teenager when he dove off a roof while high. I read his book last year; one of the best autobiography's I've read.
I've never understood stupid stoned people. I mean, if you're stoned and you think you can fly, you've got to be stupid to jump off the fucking roof!

Really smart stoned people that think they can fly, know that they could take off from the ground, man!
Broker I really like ORCC into the numbers today. Do you have any thoughts on it? The space has been on fire in industry. I think the numbers are way too low right now.
anything near-term that might bump NTRI? I know it's looking good on a valuation basis, but is boredom starting to set into this stock?
Fly can't talk to you slackers today since he is still counting his money.
Do you feel a weird sentiment on Wall Street right now? I completely understand 'ride the wave', but this bulshit euphoria is almost too much to handle.

I feel like everyone just scored some coke and are doing lines on hookers who are STD free.
Daytraders should look to short the weaker gold stocks (GG,ABX,PAAS,etc.) and OIH for a quick trade for the day. Way too much happy talk about gold on CNBC.
Everyone is happy. shall we all do take a few hits of crack and venture off to the brothel?
Servant! I told you to stay off the internets.

Get back to work.
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