Friday, March 16, 2007


Asshat of the Week Award: David J. Lesar

Without a doubt, the CEO of HAL deserves one of my Asshat trophies--for taking his oil-bitches to Dubai from Texas.

I mean, without getting into the political ramifications, is he fucking retarded? If the Democrats take the Presidency, they will skin this man alive. As far as I am concerned, he is Lord Supreme, Commander of the Asshat Legions--destroyer of the GOP marketing campaign.

Basically, Davey boy is a tax evading-fucktarded-oiltard. I spit on Davey boy.

Using his logic, all U.S. corporations should just move the fuck out of the country, because shit is cheaper elsewhere.

I'll have you know, I was thinking about moving my family to Zimbabwe, in order to avoid NYC's sales tax. Then, my wife found out, and cracked a ceramic salad bowl over my head.

Enjoy the middle east King HAL.

Congrat's at least it was ceramic...good wife.
Hi Fucking Larious!!!
Did the salad bowl have OATMEAL in it at the time?
Broker any updates on the following names: DIVX, ACLI
I second Howard's characterization of HAL:

"The smelliest, filthiest, corruptiest, dirtiest, sleeziest American Company of all"
A company only a mother like Cramer coud love.
A company that wouldn't exist without US taxpayer dollars moving overseas to avoid paying US taxes. That's Hall of Fame asshattedness without a doubt...
Cramer said the Semis are dead. So look for them to rally soon. WORD to yo momma.
Hard to believe he has been riding down LEND for so long. I remember him giving it props in the 30's. What a joker...
Geez people, calm down, its just a freakin' company.

So they want to move to a tax haven country. So what, who doesn't? I'm assuming most of their business is overseas and that part of their business has the most growth potential, so why the hell not move?

This country's leftwing wackos don't want to allow further exploration and drilling for domestic oil and natural gas, so they have to operate overseas.

Finally, what possible motive do they have for staying put? To make sure the leftwing has a convenient punching bag whenever they need to fire up their base of political activists? Hardly a compelling business plan.

I've never understood this irrational hatred of a company. So they've overbilled or failed to deliver on government contracts. Who hasn't? Investigate, fine them appropriately, and move on.

I find it ironic that dozens if not hundreds of companies lied to the public and cheated shareholders by backdating options, yet none of them have received such vitriolic treatment on blogs.

Breath, people, breath. The weekend is here. Relax and everything will be okay. I promise.

Although I agree with many of your comments, I still want those oil fuckers to pay U.S. taxes.

Moving their HQ to Dubai is not only gay, it's also fucktarded.
Dog- you're the one who's fired up. Everyone else just wants them to pay US taxes.
Hey, I'm happy for ANYONE that gets out of paying taxes! I just wanna know if the salad bowl had oatmeal in it when Fly's wife cracked it on his head!
Hell, I don't want to pay taxes and I admire anyone or any company that can legally avoid paying taxes.

Its our God given right to find legal loopholes to keep the Guvmint out of our pockets! ;)

Working people of the world havens for everyone!!!!
At the time, the salad bowl had figs in it. FYI.

Also, I'll have you know, my wife works for the IRS and will be "looking into" your tax returns.

Especially those of you who think it's "cool" or "fucking knarly" to cheat the Gov't out of your money.
Hey, its not cheating if its legal! ;)
I checked with my buddy who knows someone who knew someone who works for the IRS and they do not use ceramic salad bowls for serving figs, IRS Code 45632159. He says the only exemption is for newly formed expat corporations that have moved to DDDubai.... Dubai sounds cool with a studder, try it.
Nice photo, i capitulate.
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