Friday, March 23, 2007
Asshat of the Week Award: Dennis Gartman

Anyway, now that the markets are back to ripping the throats out of the bear-fuckers, I'd thought it would make sense to give one of these "Asshat Awards" (I have to get these fucking things out the door) to a man who embarrassed himself, family and Eric "the oil barrel" Bolling (Eric invited Dennis to the show) by declaring the end of the global bull market, as we know it, because it was down a few percentage points from the top.
I am sure Dennis has other stuff going on, like news letters and accurate market calls, but I'm not interested. All that matters to me is his declarative statement "global bear market," coupled with his fucktarded looking tie. In my opinion, both are unacceptable. Hence, the "Asshat Award."
Watch recent video of Dennis look "Asshattish" as the market fucking rolls on him.