Friday, March 02, 2007


Asshat of the Week Award: John Thain

I am sure John Thain aka "The American Psycho" has pristine business cards and perfectly ironed handkerchief's. But, he also has lazy ass robots on the NYSE-- fucking up trading days. In short, this man has replaced real men for internet robots. As a result, when the market crashed through the floor boards on Tuesday, the fucking robots went haywire, maybe a short circuit or something, resulting in the DOW nearly doubling its losses--in about 2 seconds. Talk about an orderly market!

Thain certainly does not give you that.

Pure asshattery. John Thain has earned this fucking trophy, with his internet robots and mechanical-like presence.

Perhaps he is a fucking robot too?


I saw him play the psyco killer (the guy in the shower with the knife) in the Alfred Hitchcock movie "Psycho".
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