Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Closing Comments: Fuck You Shorts, You're Dead

Welcome to the special edition, "Fuck you shorts, you're dead," version of closing comments.

Despite Bob Pasani and Co. trying to talk down the markets, it fucking ripped the spines out of the bears and flushed their stupid heads down dirty toilet bowls.

I must say, today was a lot of fun. I had all sorts of "smart people" call me up, whining about their shorts getting "knuckle fucked."

Today, I bought more stock. Then after I bought stock, I bought more. I didn't sell shit and I was up 2.5%, bitches.

"The Fly" will enjoy the rest of his evening, devouring a 2 inch thick rib eye steak, with 2 high end bottles of his favourite (European version of the word "favorite" used intentionally to demonstrate "The Fly's" extensive vocabulary versatility) Bordeaux.

Everything from AAPL to NYX to DIVX (bought at the low) to ADBE did great.

In short, don't fight the tape. The bears lost, because they are old, stupid and skinny.

Tomorrow, I will buy the morning dip and make even more money.

If a shotgun were put to my head, in order to extract one stock pick, I'd say go long FMCN.

Great and hilarious! Well, I've only read the first few entries, but so far, I'm enjoying (just found out about it a few hours ago). It looks like they tried to kill your BWLD today. Tiny floater like that? You would think it would have been hit harder. I don't think they have all your shares yet. Did you buy this dip? Thanks. -Zombie
My putting sucks and I will have to stop instructing Tiger Woods until I work out my own problems on the greens.
Anyway, its good to see that the market apparently believes that the minor distraction of the billions (or is it trillions) in the carry trade has been resolved. That only took a few weeks. If in fact the Fed may start to lower rates in the near term and the Japanese economy continues to accelarate that must mean---oh forget it, I'll worry about it when the real unwinding begins.
People wonder why I don't blog about stocks. The simple answer is, I'm busy.
This is what i call a fucktard top

you keep buying tomorrow, and im going to sell to you

charts are looking 1987ish
this time next week im going to leave a comment "SOLD TO YOU!"
I appreciate the offer. You are a generous internet wizard douchebag. I notice from your time-stamp it took you two minutes to formulate that next thought. Your prescient advice has not gone unnoticed and I just sold all my stock, after hours, $ .35 below the bid price. Do you offer any kind of internet seminar or newsletter I could subscribe to?
A rare and bullish technical event occurred Wednesday:

The particular technical signal is referred to as a "Nine To One Up Day." It refers to the volume of all NYSE-listed stocks that go up on a given day, expressed as a percentage of the total volume of all stocks that rose or fell on that day. On a day when rising stocks' volume is the same as declining stocks' volume, for example, this ratio would be exactly 50%.
A "Nine To One Up Day" occurs when this ratio is 90% or higher. According to Martin Zweig, who helped to develop this indicator several decades ago, such a huge imbalance of up volume over down volume "is a significant sign of positive momentum. In other words, when daily up volume leads down volume by a ratio of 9-to-1 or more, that tends to be an important signal for stocks." The quotation comes from Zweig's 1986 book, "Winning on Wall Street."

The relevance of all this to today's market is that there have been two 9-to-1 up days in recent weeks: one occurred on March 6, and the second one this Wednesday.
This second 9-to-1 up day adds greatly to the bullish significance of the first, according to Zweig. That's because a single 9-to-1 up day, by itself, has not always been a bullish event. Perhaps its biggest false signal came on March 16, 2000, at more or less the exact top of the market before the Internet bubble burst.
Read the rest.
I have read his book among others (Trader Vic has a good one) and used to watch him on Lou Rukeyser's show on Friday nights. IMO much of the world has changed over the years when it comes to trading and I don't think alot of these techincal indicators apply anymore. I remember one that Marty Zweig would repeat in his book that I believe was developed by Edson Gould. It was called three steps and a stumble where the market was supposed to tank after three interest rate hikes. Well, I think we have had about twelve now and the market doesn't even have a bruise on its big toe yet. In this day of hedge funds running things (IMO),fast flow of info via the internet,derivitives in the billions, etc. I think much has changed and some of the old rules do not apply. I have no clue if this nine to one rule is still relevant.
As the dollar gets weaker stocks inflate up. If the dollar gets stronger and your stock moves up, tell me about it. That is value creation. This currently is feel good economics. The more bearish I become the higher the market goes.

As far as Microvision, I sold 30 to 40k, because I have little idea of what Im doing. Im just happy high tide floats all the boats.
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