Friday, March 16, 2007


Closing Comments

I must say, this week was entirely uneventful, as I shedded another 1.5%. There is no clear direction, only volatility.

I fucked up, missing out on the deal of a lifetime, by not buying NEWC and LEND at their lows. Stubbornly, I am sticking to my guns and will live or die by them-- until I get bored and change my mind.

Yesterday, Cramer said to stay away from Tech, then suggested to go long a bunch of Tech stocks. That was fucking gay. And, the Fast Money guys were thinking about eating a giant roach. That was disgustingly fucktarded.

My point: As much as I criticize CNBC, I can't stop watching it. It's like crack via the airwaves. I know it's bad for me and is responsible for lowering my IQ, but I still turn it on--like a fucking Washington D.C. heroin user.

Finally, because of underperformance, I will no longer refer to myself in the third person. Sadly, I will talk to you, the local asshat, as an equal. However, should my positions start moving up again, I will take the oatmeal filled salad bowl off my head-- and tell all of you to go fuck yourselves-- in true internet gangster format.

Until then, have a nice weekend.

You miss because you are an amature fucktard. You have no clue how the market works.
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In order to call someone an amateur you must be able to spell amateur, you idiot. Although Fly surely hasn't been paid for his work this week so that may classify him. That "calculator brain" better have a subtraction button
This fucking show on CNBC on how to win the 1M dollar challenge is the gayest shit I have ever seen. Full of complete asshats. Actually I think I saw MMX on there too. Who asks the question if I should invest in PG for the challenge or fucking GE.
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