Thursday, March 29, 2007


Closing Comments

After watching the bears make a mockery of themselves, I covered all of my shorts (ATHR, BRCM). That's it, I am now "all in" and look forward to chopping the sellers into small little pieces, tomorrow.

As you know, tomorrow is the last day of the quarter. Look for window dressing to rule the day, as dicktarded fund mangers put the finishing touches on their marketing brochures. Winners go up, while losers go down. Classic "fund-fucker" trade.

Also, I don't want to chase Energy stocks here. The premium on oil is due to political tensions. Should the tensions abate, oil will get axed to the tune of $10 per barrel.

Bottom line: We are going higher, bitches. Saddle up.

NOTE: Congrats to DNDN shareholders. That stock is going to fucking rip. And, does IAAC ever go down?

you ever heard of PV? I found it by mistake it looks good
I order the Fly to stop congratulating itself. When the opportunity to buy with both hands arrived, the FLY was taking a nap and among other things
"eating cashews and drinking milk shakes."
Yes. IAAC goes down. I was in it when it did.

Good luck with that IBD stock.
Holy crapshots--

Take a look at REED.ob.

Wonder if this is the next soda stock to quintuple.
I bought a 5/7.50 vert call sprd on DNDN. Will be +6K gain tomorrow if we open up nicely and will put me positive ytd.
It gave me a new 500 series BMW
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