Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Fly Buy: MVIS

I bought 25,000 MVIS @3.22.

UPDATE: I bought 5,000 @ $3.20

Disclaimer: If you buy MVIS because of this post, you may find a cockroach in your Raisin Bran. And, you may lose money.

fly you put me onto MVIS, i did my own DD and liked the story, im averaging down, i watched it from 1.86 to 3.9, and wanna get my cost basis to around 3.

thanks,(note: i too am in the biz)
Damn dude, your blog looks just like Fly's in a bizarro world sort of way.
yea, its still in its infancy,

ive got a few other guys who contribute.

im just now starting to post my thoughts/trades/ramblings/etc more regularly
Just busting your balls dude. Gotta have a thick skin and a good sense of humor around here.
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